Franklin Graham: Supreme Court Should Be Voters' Top Concern
Rev. Franklin Graham has visited 45 states so far in his "Decision America Tour" and on Tuesday he told a crowd in Michigan that the top issue in this year's 2016 election is the Supreme Court.
He said that this year's race is not about Donald Trump's taxes or Hillary Clinton's email but rather their choices for justices on the high court.
"Beware," Graham told the crowd, "because the next president isn't going to nominate one [U.S. Supreme Court justice]. It could be three, four, possibly five. And that would change the courts of our nation for the next 50 years or longer."
Graham did not endorse either candidate but spoke out against platforms that support abortion and same-sex marriage.
"Just because it's the law of the land doesn't mean it's right," Graham said.
Graham also called for a Christian revolution in the nation, where believers run for office at every level of government.
"Over the last 40 years, secularism slowly infiltrated Washington," he said. "And then it got into our capitals and statehouses. It got into our municipalities. It's gotten into every area of our schools and universities."
"Secularism and communism, one and the same," he continued. "They're both godless. And, while we were standing guard against godless communism, we were asleep as godless secularism has come into our country."
Graham told the group of 8,100 that Christians have a moral duty to vote.
"You vote," he said. "You may have to hold your nose. You might want to do that, but go vote."
He will finish his "Decision America Tour" next Tuesday in North Carolina.