Joy Villa Says She Wore Pro-Life Dress Because She Was Pressured to Abort Her Baby
Singer and songwriter Joy Villa recently revealed why she wore a dress with a pro-life message on it to the 2018 Grammy Awards.
In a Fox News op-ed, Villa shares how at age 20, she found herself in an abusive relationship, unwed and pregnant.
She said she went to a clinic for a pregnancy test, and a nurse at the facility pressured her to abort her baby.
"We can do it now, it'll make it all go away," Villa said the nurse told her. "I've had several abortions, in fact, all three of my daughters have had several. You are too young to have kids. This is the best choice for you."
Villa says she decided to have her baby instead, and chose to place the baby for adoption.
Many in the pro-life community say that there is plenty of evidence that shows abortion providers often discourage women from choosing adoption.
In June of 2017, the pro-life group Live Action released videos showing that when pregnant called Planned Parenthood seeking information about adoption they were turned away. They were told they only offered abortion.
And in extreme cases, some women are actually held down and forced to have abortions at some abortion facilities.
Catherine Glenn Foster is president of Americans United for Life. In an interview with CBN News she shared the story of how she was held down by abortion clinic staff and forced to have an abortion.
Foster's story is also not uncommon.
According to a Youtube video posted by CareNet, an affiliation of pregnancy centers, a woman named "Toni" had a similar experience.
"I walked in the door and no one was talking to me," explained Toni. "No one was asking me why are you here. I was called back to the back room by myself. I was with a nurse. She was just cold; didn't say a word. And I was not feeling good. She motioned for me to sit in a chair."
Toni continued, "I immediately told her I am not here to have an abortion. And she still isn't talking to me. I got up out of my seat and I said I am out of here. I am leaving. I am not having an abortion. And she took her hands, she placed them on my shoulders and she pushed me back down in the chair. She pulled a needle out of pocket and she put it in my arm and within a few seconds I was out. I was unconscious. I woke up later to the nurse staring at me, practically was carried out of the abortion clinic and extreme depression just set in from there."
Meanwhile, Villa hopes her story inspires other women to also choose life.
"Having life-giving options like adoption can empower women to do what they feel is right," Villa wrote. "Consider adoption. Consider life. Consider carrying your baby to term, and placing your unborn child with a caring, nurturing, happy family."