Thousands of Christians Vow to Pray Around the Clock for Revival in America
Tens of thousands of Christians are set to gather for a time of endless prayer and praise in state capitals across America.
It's all a part of an event called, "Tent America 2018," hosted by Awaken the Dawn.
The three day round-the-clock prayer meeting coincides with the Feast of Tabernacles and runs from September 27-29. It will include tent city gatherings of worship, music, prayer and gospel proclamation. The goal is to bring prayer tents to all 50 state capitals and college campuses across the nation.
The Awaken the Dawn website explains, "The Tent of Meeting represents the raw, unfiltered presence of God, unrestrained by cultural norms... This is the cry that must arise from the generations as we tabernacle together in September: We want to meet with You face-to-face! ...
declares that 'the Word became flesh and dwelt among us' – we want Jesus to tabernacle among us during Tent America 2018 in His full splendor.""Awaken the Dawn is a Movement with assignments from God. The National Mall was the first assignment, and NOW, we're mobilizing for TENT AMERICA 2018, tent cities on every state capital and on campuses across the nation!" the organization said in a statement.
"We're rallying the nation to pray 24/7 for revival in America and for breakthrough and covering for Tent America 2018 between now and September 27. Would you prayerfully consider taking one hour of your week to dedicate to prayer for Tent America 2018 and Great Awakening in our land?" the statement continues.
You can find prayer points here, released in the lead-up to the nationwide event. To participate, go to their website to pick an hour to dedicate weekly to prayer.
To find a prayer tent in your area, click HERE.