'Why I Converted to Islam' School Assignment Draws Outrage
Students at a high school in England were asked to write a creative essay explaining why they had converted to Islam.
Teenagers at Beaucamps High School on Guernsey Island (a self-governing British Crown Dependency) were told to consider what it would be like to convert to Islam.
They were also instructed to write a letter to their family explaining their "decision" to become Muslim.
The writing prompt also stated: "Include: How you're feeling, how becoming Muslim has changed your life, how much you love your family and hope they can accept your choice."
According to The Daily Mail, the lesson was part of a religious education lesson in creative writing for 12- to 13-year-old students.
Beaucamps High stated that it was a pretend-scenario and no child was actually forced to convert to Islam. They added they plan to expose the students to other religions – like Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism.
"It is important that our students are able to learn about, understand, investigate and question all that is around them. As with all subjects, homework will be set to cover all areas of the curriculum," an Education spokesman told Guernsey Press.
But it has caused a stir among parents and local residents, many raising concerns over the students age, especially as many kids have fled Britain to wage jihad in Syria. Some parents are refusing to allow their students to participate in the assignment.
"In this day and age when easily led youngsters are being radicalized, it is a dangerous road to be taking," wrote one observer on the Guernsey Press website comments section.
"Teach pupils about religion by all means, but be very careful when you ask them to be Muslim," another wrote.
Other comments were more accepting of the writing practice.
"Does this really matter?" one poster asked. "It's a thought experiment... If you're worried about your kid being influenced by it maybe you just need to do a better job as a parent!"