How a Stay-at-Home Mom With a Vision From God Changed Thousands of Lives
June Ross was a stay-at-home mom when God gave her a vision to feed the hungry.
She was vacuuming her rug when she heard a distinct voice say, "I'm going to feed you with manna."
A pastor's daughter who was raised in the church and always read her Bible, June said it brought to mind the story of the children of Israel when they left Egypt and God fed them wih manna.
She also believed that God speaks to people through dreams and visions.
In her dream, God told her there would be an economic downfall in 2008 where people would lose their jobs and not afford to feed their families. At that moment, she decided to be obedient to do whatever God told her.
Later, she had another dream where she was giving food to many people at a supermarket. She decided to check with local retailers about what they did with unsold food. When shel learned that they throw away their unsold food, Ross asked if she could take it.
Her home soon became a hub of food distribution for the needy in her community. It initially started with 10 volunteers helping in her home, but eventually it grew so large that crates filled her house.
Ross later named her charity, Esther Community Enterprise. Once the word got around about her business, more than 4,000 people were coming in and out of her home.
"The poor is God's heart. ...when we kind of look at Jesus's ministries, it was always with those people that didn't have any high regards in society. He was always there with those that needed help. So that should be our heart," said Ross.
In 2008, Ross's vision of an economic downturn came true. The recession hit and people were out of work due to the global crisis. Ross said that everything God showed her about the recession in her vision came to pass, including people not being able to feed their families.
People across the UK suffered in the economic downturn and Ross partnered with different cities such as, London, Birmingham, and Milton Keynes to help those in need.
By 2008, her ministry was feeding 17,000 people a month and she had 300 volunteers and project managers working with her every month. From 2009 until 2010 the number of people who were desperate for food in the UK continued to grow.
Ross eventually found herself at Buckingham Palace representing her charity, Esther Community Enterprises. She was awarded The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for Voluntary Service, which is the highest award given to voluntary groups in the UK.
"There was a certificate given and signed by the queen, and what was nice was the fact that part of it said that 'we bestow favor' which is the journey that Esther when on when she received favor from the King. In my instance, I received it from the Queen," said Ross.
The Esther Community continues to help those in need today, serving 20,000 needy people per month all over the UK with quality food.
"I'm privileged that God could ask me to do this. I think more than anything else, that God could trust me with something like this," she said.