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Venezuelan Leftists Disrupting Catholic Services


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Socialist demonstrators loyal to Venezuelan strongman leader Nicholas Maduro have begun interrupting worship services with protests and speeches.
In one incident, pro-government demonstrators entered a church during mass and shouted that the priest was "Satan" and a "Fascist" and yelled "Chavez lives!" in honor of the now dead President Hugo Chavez.
The Maduro government is upset about criticism from the Catholic church. 
Reuters also reports that  pro-government supporters protested against Archbishop Antonio Lopez at his home, Caracas' main cathedral was stoned and monks were terrorized  at a monastery by armed assailants. 
The incidents have reportedly outraged Venezuela's Roman Catholic hierarchy and reignited historic tensions between the Venezuelan government and the nation's Catholic Church.
The church has been outspoken about Venezuela's descent into poverty and chaos under the Maduro government.

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