The Real Reason the British Left is Protesting Trump
There's nothing surprising about the British Left's vicious hatred of Donald Trump. It hates capitalism, the Bible, national borders, the traditional family and American Republicans. It hated Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, too.
If I could share a little secret you probably won't see on CNN, most Britons approve of President Trump's visit. The protestors you see on TV are the minority, the British Left; a noisy, ramshackle jalopy of establishment leftists, Marxists, snowflakes and anarchists. Their friends dominate the British media, so they know they can always count on sympathetic coverage of their demonstrations.
And most of them stay home when the leaders of the world's most oppressive governments visit London, like Xi Jingping of Communist China or the rulers of Saudi Arabia. Trump separates mothers and children, say the London protestors? (Not true by the way; the law predated Trump.) China still, in 2018, hunts down pregnant women and forces them to have abortions. Trump is a misogynist because of things he said or did before becoming president? Official Saudi government policy treats women like animals.
But there is a reason they don't protest China or Saudi Arabia, and I'll get to that in a moment.
The anti-Trump protests could be viewed as a celebration of free speech in Britain if there was free speech in Britain. But this is a nation that has arrested almost 10 people a day over "offensive online comments," which is code for criticism of Muslims. The symbolic leader of the movement against the Islamization of Britain, Tommy Robinson, is a defacto political prisoner in a British jail.
This is also a nation that has honored with knighthood, fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, murderous African leader Robert Mugabe and the brutal Romanian communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, a man so "beloved" by his people that he faced a firing squad one week after the revolution began. Sorry to throw that into the faces of British leaders, but they did it.
The anti-Trump protests should be ignored. I attended the same kind of protests in London during the Bush Administration and they seemed more like pagan religious festivals; celebrations of hatred of the West, Christian values and the rule of law. Imagine a protest sign with all the Ten Commandments crossed out. That would sum it up nicely.
And because terrible human rights violators like China and Saudi Arabia don't support any of those principles, they're of no concern to the British Left.
The British Left especially hates any leader who openly boasts of the virtues of Western civilization, Christian values and the rule of law. And with its allies in the media pounding away, the British Left is used to being able to cow its own leaders into submission.
But this president won't be cowed. He's not going to apologize for America like Barack Obama did. And that, my friend, is the real reason they hate Donald Trump.