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Karen Clarke: Angels and the Jaws of Life

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“It just started pouring down rain. I hear this truck, this Ram truck, went speeding past me on my right-hand side. The truck hydroplaned and skidded out of control. He hit the guardrail, swerved around, you know, spun around and then was heading straight towards me. The car hit me. Another truck came after him, or car, I’m not sure, hit him, knocked him off of me because our-our cars were locked together,” Karen Clarke said.

But the nightmare was just beginning for Karen.

“Then an 18-wheeler semi-truck hit me in the back, flew my car up underneath his tires,” Karen said. “My car was on fire, but since my car was on fire underneath the semi-truck, it blew the tires of the semi-truck and spit my car out.”

Miraculously, she survived the horrific crashes. The mangled mess of steel and rubber was literally wrapped around her.

“The first thing I remember is my head just hurt so much. I felt like it was a watermelon. I felt like it was actually cracked open,” she said.

Firemen used the Jaws of Life to cut Karen out of the crumpled car, and then rushed her to the hospital. As they wheeled her into the emergency room she heard paramedics talking to the doctors.

“I heard them advising them that my neck might be broke and that I had head injuries,” she said.

That’s when Karen remembered the prayers of her friend Isabel earlier that day.

“She said, ‘Well, I don’t know, Karen, I just really feel that I need to pray for your safety. I just really feel I need to pray for your neck,’” Karen remembered

After several hours of tests, doctors decided that Karen’s injuries were mainly superficial. She had a raging headache and a sliver of glass in her eye. Perhaps the most serious damage was to her sciatic nerve. But after just five hours in the hospital, Karen was released. She couldn’t reach her family, so she called Rob Dunn, a friend of the family.
On the way home, they stopped to look at the car.

“If you would have asked me what the chances were of someone surviving an accident after seeing that vehicle, I would tell you probably zero percent,” Rob said.

Her son, Garrett, went to see the car the next day.

“I looked in the driver’s side where she was,” he said. “There was a space, maybe two feet by two feet, but it was on the floorboard - it was like the only spot in the whole car that there was any space at all for anybody to even be!

“It’s truly a miracle. God put his angel’s wings around her and protected her,” Rob said.

Although Karen was sore for days, her injuries soon healed. She’s grateful for God’s protection, knowing the outcome could have been much worse.

“God is love,” Garrett said. “He can do all things, and He basically stopped - didn’t let her die. So He had his hand in that big time!”

And He really does send his angels charge over us to keep us in all of our ways. And no weapon formed against us can prosper.
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