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Perfect Love, Imperfect People

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When it comes to perfect, no one is more imperfect than me. I have a lousy temper and an amazingly consistent tendency to overreact. I’m the only one in my family that got my Pa’s elf ears and the only one on my father’s side of the family to receive the bountiful blessing of my Nanny’s flat backside. Yes, when I take roll call on myself in the mirror, personalities and quirks, it’s clear to see that I am only human.

This is something that we all have in common, don’t we? We all are imperfect in some way and we can feel even more inadequate when in the company of those who seem so flawless.

Back in high school, I used to have a friend who seemed to have it all. She was beautiful, the star of her church choir, the honor student of the year and even the runner up valedictorian. When I failed, she triumphed. When I was certain I had let God down miserably, it seemed that she had her own marching band validating every wonderful, “perfect” thing she did.

I loved that girl. Don’t get me wrong. She was a wonderful friend and a beautiful human being. In my life alone, she served as such a wonderful example of what God could do with a heart and what a difference He could make. But back then, I remember thinking if only I could be like her, if only I could do it all victoriously, if only I could have lived a little differently; it would have been so much easier for God to love me.

While it took me a long time to realize it, I now know that all those things were not true. God made me to be me. He made me knowing that someday I would stray. Not too long ago, I ran into that friend of mine. She was still so beautiful. Still so sweet and still triumphing brilliantly through life. And now, after years of knowing me at my worst, I was so proud for her to see me at my best.

That same night, I was up late doing a little reading. When I came to , I couldn’t help but smile. “It’s not the healthy who need the doctor but the sick.” Jesus said. “But go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous . . . but sinners.” While I promise you that God called that friend of mine who seemed so near perfect, it was a sweet reminder that Jesus called the imperfect to come to Him too.

If you struggle with your past, if you struggle with your present, remember that while God loves a righteous heart, His love story begins with the flawed. He tells us that He rejoices more over the lamb that strays than the ninety-nine who faithfully graze His pastures. ( )

Today, I want you to know, from one imperfect-only-human person to another, God loves you just the way you are, but loves you too much to leave you that way. Mark my words and take my life as an example, His love is made perfect in our imperfection. Our Savior may give perfect love, but you don’t have to perfect to receive it.

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Brooke KeithBrooke Keith is the author of many books for children and a long time writer for many well-loved ministries around the world. She is a wife of one very amazing man and a mom to their five equally amazing kids. But most of all, Brooke is a girl head over heels for her Savior and finds His love far too wonderful to keep to herself. When Brooke is not busy searching for her toddlers missing shoe you can find her on her blog.


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About The Author

Brooke Keith 2023

This girl may look like she has it all together, but sometimes she is one of God’s most difficult sheep. Out of the 99, she’s the sheep that got lost, chewed the daisies, and bit the tires on the tractor. In fact, if she were to find herself in David’s pasture, he might have opened the gate on purpose! Thankfully, God is a merciful and loving Shepherd who never stops caring, using, or looking for his kids. Brooke is a long-time pastor and the author of Radically Red: Dare to Live the Words of Christ, Chrissie’s Shell and other titles. You may recognize her from your TikTok feed where she

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