I Feel Pretty: Movie Review
I feel pretty ... torn.
Amy Schumer's new movie, I Feel Pretty, isn't rated R (which does open up the general audience pool considerably). But, this new rom-com is PG-13 (which moviegoers know doesn't equal family-friendly). In fact, it's rated PG-13 (edging on R) for some real good reasons: "sexual content, some partial nudity, and language."
Now, if you've seen the eye-popping movie trailer for I Feel Pretty and already just know you're not interested one bit in seeing this film, then OK. But, if you do plan to see this movie, or are curious as to what's behind the curtain on this one, then here it goes...
Schumer takes the lead as a young professional, NYC woman named Renee, who struggles with lower-than-low self-esteem. But, one day, her wish comes true when she becomes supermodel gorgeous (or so she thinks). What's really happened is she's hit her head (bad!). She looks exactly the same to everyone around her (coworkers, friends). The difference is the way she looks at herself. With her confidence off the charts, Renee starts making some pretty interesting choices, which lead to some pretty interesting conclusions.
For one quick moment, let's talk about the message of the movie. It's a pretty good one. Schumer tackles the body image issue head-on by examining how our society views women's outward appearance, rom-com style, of course. Beauty is the name of the game, and Renee's industry (she works for a comestics company in Manhattan). Renee's life is miserable because she's always in her own head, comparing herself to others, putting herself down for how she looks. It's depressing. It's also relatable. She's not runway beautiful, so her confidence level is below zero. When she smacks her head and makes her wish to be pretty, she starts believing she is beautiful. Her outward appearance doesn't change, but her mind and heart toward herself does.
Watching this aspect of the movie unfold was personally thought-provoking. My mind went straight to the Bible (truly, it did), two verses actually...
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...
, NIV"The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
, NLTGod doesn't want us to obsess with how we look. He especially doesn't want us to be miserable because we don't 'measure' up. That's difficult to do, given how our 'beauty'-focused culture, men, and our minds can be so critical. It just takes a renewing of our mind. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and God calls you 'wonderfully made'.
The second verse also speaks to where Renee ends up going in her story. It's not a pretty place. But, she does end up learning a lesson about the difference between confidence and arrogance.
OK, give me one more second, and let's discuss the comedy of this movie. Amy Schumer can be funny. She exhibits spot-on physical comedy as Renee. There are some laugh out (really) loud moments in I Feel Pretty.
Now, what most of you reading this really want to know is ... how "bad" is it? So, as explained before, this movie is not suitable for children (hence the PG-13 rating). Beyond that, is it OK for mature teens and adults to watch? I can't say that. Decide for yourself.
What you should know is that "sexual content, some partial nudity, and language" translates to some awkward, to some others unsettling, moments in the movie. There is a significant sex scene. There's no full-on nudity, but you know what's going on and though carefully shot, Renee is naked. Also, some dialogue warrants caution. Renee also enters a bikini contest at a bar (only partially seen in the trailer).
All that to say, I Feel Pretty is a mixed bag. It might find its audience amongst the masses, but it's not a slam dunk.