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Still a 'Fisher of Men'

Share This article When Operation Blessing went looking for Wilai’s house, they found it sitting next to the beautiful waters of the Gulf of Thailand. But it wasn’t really a house, but a run down shed with rotten floors and a leaky roof. Yet this is where Wilai, her husband, and her 6-year-old son live.

“It’s a very difficult time. The house is so broken down, that when it rains we get soaked. And when that happens at night, we are not able to sleep," says Wilai.

And things have been especially tough for the family because Wilai’s husband has been unable to work.

"My husband used to be able to fish for a living, but since he got sick, all the responsibilities have fallen on me," she says.

Over the past several years, there have been many dinner times where there was no food on the table. When Operation Blessing saw their situation, they went to work. First they brought in timber and roofing, and paid local workers to renovate the old house. Next Operation Blessing provided Wilai’s son a grant which will provide funds for him to go to school for the first time. 

"I feel honored that Operation Blessing chose us, and I’m glad that my son is given a chance to study," Wilai says.

The kindness of CBN partners has made a big impact on Wilai’s family. As she grew close to the Operation Blessing staff, she found it easy to pray to receive Jesus as her Savior. And that is making the greatest impact on this young woman. 

"Jesus gave me peace and is helping me to trust Him with our daily needs. I prayed to God to bless us and He did," she says.

And today, Wilai’s husband is strong enough to fish again, using some new fishing nets also provided by Operation Blessing.  

"I want to thank CBN for helping us get on our feet again. Thank you for fixing our house, for the new fishing nets, and especially for helping us to hear about Jesus," says Wilai.

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