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Put Your Financial House in Order

Share This article Fran and Carol Watson love working on their fixer-upper in Milford, New Hampshire. They bought the 150-year-old house after Fran landed his first good job as a software technical writer. But there was a catch.

"You can get a wonderful job making lots of money, but then projects end, companies fold," says Fran. "I got laid off 11 months after I got the first job."

The couple wasn't prepared for the ups and downs of Frans profession.

"We didn't have a savings plan, and we really didn't have a budget, so when the hard times came, we fell back into the path of least resistance, which was the credit cards, figuring that we would pay them off when things got good again," Carol explains.

But they didn't pay off their credit cards.

"When times got good again, our first priority was not to pay that debt down," admits Fran. "Even worse, our first priority was not to honor the Lord with our finances."

The Watsons had fallen into a trap. They maxed-out credit cards. Creditors were calling. Over time, they amassed over $20,000 in credit card debt alone. They saw no way out.

"I just had this vision that I was going to have to work for the rest of my life and beyond. I just couldn't conceive of any way that I could get out of that debt," says Fran.

Carol cried out to the Lord.

"I began to be afraid that, financially, we might lose our house, we might lose our cars," she recalls.

Carol contacted a CBN phone counselor and asked for prayer and guidance.

"We knew that the first thing we had to do was to re-commit to giving and to tithing," she states.

That day Carol and Fran joined CBN as 700 Club partners. They even signed up with Pledge Express.

"I knew that $30 a month would go that same time of the month faithfully. Regardless of my mood or my level of faith, that commitment was solid, " she says.

They began applying financial principles they learned from Pat Robertsons teaching tapes and The 700 Club. They cut up their credit cards and consolidated debts. And God filled in the gaps.

"The money was just being provided, sometimes in ways I couldn't point to, but the money always seemed to be there," Carol says.

They both found jobs. Fran received an inheritance. It was the Principle of Reciprocity at work.

"If we give out of what God has given us," says Carol, "then He is able to take that and multiply it back to us "

Carol and Fran still have their fixer-upper. They work together now managing medical records, and they are debt free. They've learned from their mistakes, and they've been reminded of something infinitely more important.

"The Lord is there," says Fran. "He loves me. He cares for me. Most of all, my security is in Him. That's what it comes down to, and Hes a big God."

Fran and Carol put into practice the biblical truths that they learn on The 700 Club and God, faithful to His Word, supplied their need! God wants to do that for you too. One way you can give to God is by giving to CBN. Not only will you help provide biblical truth to people like Fan and Carol, but you will be helping people around the world with food, clothing, medical needs and humanitarian aid - all given in the name of Jesus! Please join today!

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