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Mike Levinson: Be a Buff Dad

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Mike worked as a personal trainer and nutritionist for most of his life. After Mike’s wife, Jennifer, was expecting their first child five years ago, Mike says his health and fitness routine fell off the priority list. By the time Zach was two-years-old, Mike pulled out the bathroom scale. He had gained 50 pounds!

“As a former amateur bodybuilding champion, I knew how good my body can look and how it feels to be in shape,” Mike said. “Never in a million years did I believe I would ever get fat.”

Standing on the scale barely able to read the number over his bulging stomach, Mike had to admit he had become “one of those men.” Mike decided at that moment that he would take his expertise in nutrition and fitness and devise a way to increase his cardiovascular level, reduce his body fat and get toned – all in less than an hour a day.

“I wanted the program to work,” Mike said. “I didn’t want to do a starvation diet.”

Mike created a plan that took advantage of every man’s secret: testosterone!

“One of the great things about being a guy is that our testosterone is already built in as part of our chemical makeup,” Mike said. “So when it comes to weight loss, testosterone helps build muscle more quickly and burns more fat.”

After a month, Mike says he lost 12 to 14 pounds of body fat.

“Everyone is different. I’ve had some clients lose 40 to 50 pounds in a month,” Mike said.

Through his research and years of training, Mike says the most effective form of exercise is strength training. He says his supersetting workout enables you to lose your fat-dad poundage without starving and without spending hours in the gym.

“The Buff Dad program takes the idea of multitasking by combining several strength-training exercises to overwork the muscle while providing an aerobic and strength training workout at one time,” Mike said.


Mike, now 37, says his program works for any man at any age. Originally, when he started his weight loss program, he wanted to take the easy way out: cutting calories, reducing his fat intake and eliminating carbohydrates.

“I ate basically nothing but salad,” he said.

Within a week, he lost weight, but Mike says he lost his energy and sense of humor. Mike realized that there are many books on the market for women to lose their pregnancy weight but there was nothing for men.

“Fathers are neglected as far as getting in shape,” Mike said.

That’s why he came up with the Buff Dad program.

Mike sacrifices time to stay in shape. As the father of five kids under age five, Mike takes his “me time” seriously. He gets up at 3:00 a.m. or 4:00 a.m. every morning, rain or shine, to work out. The kids are up by 7:30 a.m. and Jennifer takes care of the newborn twins while Mike takes care of the older boys.

“If you are overweight, you won’t want to spend time running around with your kids,” says Mike. “You just don’t have the energy.”

His Buff Dad program includes a 4-week weight loss plan as well as a maintenance plan so the pounds stay off forever.

“It’s not a get-fit-quick program, but one that teaches you how to incorporate fitness and healthy eating into a hectic lifestyle,” Mike said. “The only thing I can do is provide education and tools. The discipline and willpower is up to the individual.”