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Farmer Witnesses Woman's Resurrection

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Angus was a potato farmer in South Africa.  He had turned 3,000 acres of wild African bush into a working farm.  It was the realization of a lifelong dream.  Angus had paid off his debts.  Just owning the farm was a miracle in itself.  “There was something missing,” says Angus.  “I had no peace.  I had no purpose for living.  I was totally discontent with life.”  Then in February 1979, Angus took his family to a little Methodist church.  At the end, a man asked if anyone wanted to ask Jesus in their hearts.  Angus took his wife’s hand and took their children up to the front.  “It changed my life.  Jesus pulled me up out of that bottomless pit.  Jesus gave me a second chance,” he says. 

Angus spent hours studying the Word of God.  He started preaching in his own backyard and began to see miracles.  He reaped bumper crops during times of intense drought.  A corn crop downed by hail seemed to resurrect itself after three days.  As fire ravaged his farm, Angus cried out to God, and a totally unpredicted rainstorm doused the flames.  He calls the Bible his “agricultural guide.”  “It’s the book that tells me when to plant, when to reap and how to treat my wife,” he says.  He was a developer of the Mighty Men Conferences which is similar to Promise Keepers and drew thousands.  Angus would open up his land for this yearly conference.

One summer night, there was a huge tropical storm.  Angus heard shouting and opened his window.  There were many Zulu ladies with blankets over their heads in the rain screaming.  They said lightning had struck their hut and knocked them all to the ground except one woman who didn’t get up.  They said, “She’s dead.”  When Angus got to the hut, he put his hands on the woman’s body and prayed the prayer of faith.  She stood up and everyone went ballistic.  “They was mourning to dancing,” says Angus.  “One minute they’re mourning; the next minute they couldn’t believe this.  She was standing there!”  This woman is still going strong.  Angus says people were talking for months about the power of Jesus.  “One miracle equals a thousand sermons,” he says.

In Mozambique, there were 5,000 Muslims in attendance at one of his healing crusades.  While he was preaching, Angus saw a man with crutches in the audience.  He felt the Holy Spirit say, “Go down and pray for that man.”  The man was a woodcutter (Angus found out afterwards) and a huge tree had fallen over.  Doctors put a steel rod through his leg and he was unable to bend his leg.  Angus prayed for him and bent his knee.  The man started moving his leg, running and jumping up and down.  Angus made the altar call and 5,000 people came forward to give their lives to Christ!

Even in small villages, Angus gathers a huge crowd.  He travels throughout Africa in a four-wheel drive truck that handles the treacherous terrain.  In the back, he carries Bibles and Christian literature.  “What annoys me intensely is that people in the Western world have got Bibles sitting on their shelves and they don’t even read them,” says Angus. 

Angus and Jill created a home, Beth-Hatlaim (house of lambs) for children orphaned by AIDS.  Whether it’s preaching to thousands or helping orphans, Angus has seen the results of prayer.  “The Lord has done so much for me.  He’s restored my life.  The least I can do is be obedient.”

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