One of my favorite Christmas shows is "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." It's hard to imagine that in my adulthood I would still enjoy the Christmas classic, but the story carries so many meaningful messages.
In the beginning, Rudolph seems positioned as a favorite when it comes to the reindeer games. After all, his father was Donner. However, as we all know, Rudolph wasn't born the same as everyone else; he had a very shiny nose. His parents try to cover up Rudolph's flaw so no one will notice. Their attempt creates something else - he now talks funny. Well I could go on and on, but you know the story. His cover is blown, everyone makes fun of him, and he decides to run away.
It is amazing how the very characteristics God gives us may seem to be a curse or make us feel out of place because we are different. We may try to compensate for these differences by becoming something we were never intended to be; and in the mix of that we sound, and at times, look very funny.
(NLT) says, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
, the Lord says He knew Jeremiah before He formed him in his mother's womb. It is amazing how we start believing that our natural tendencies (that maybe others don't like or appreciate) must not be the characteristics God intended.Now don't get me wrong - we can distort those gifts when they are not under the submission of the Holy Spirit, but it doesn't negate that they are God's gifts. Just imagine if we were like everyone else. How could we be a peculiar/selected people as God says we are in
?We may think we should be heading downstream just like everyone else, that we shouldn't stand out the way we do, and certainly we should be able to blend with everyone else. This is not possible; for we are in the world, but not of the world. We are blood bought born-again saints of God and we will never be the same (and shouldn't desire to be). We travel a different direction than most. The truth of the kingdom is in opposition to the world's thinking.
We need to cultivate the gifts and talents God has given us through the power of the Holy Spirit and begin to embrace them. God doesn't make mistakes. It is the enemy who wants us to think we are useless and worthless. It is the devil's idea to hide, discard or cover up the things God has given us; but remember that Satan is the father of lies!
Towards the end, Rudolph, Cornelius, and Herby find themselves on the Island of Misfit Toys. This is how they thought of themselves: misfits and outcasts. Now Rudolph could relate to this feeling. However, we are not misfits. We are just how God chose to create us. We need to begin to trust and think of ourselves as God thinks about us: the plans, hopes, dreams, purpose, and destiny He has chosen for us. Don't let the world or our surroundings define how we look at ourselves. Instead, let the Word of God define who we are.
You see, Rudolph's affliction became the saving grace for so many others, including the misfit toys (those who had also been hurt). Rudolph left broken, but returned broken under the influence of Grace. We will always minister out of our brokenness, but it's the healing power of Grace that will affect other peoples' lives.
Remember, Rudolph changed on the inside, but his outward appearance was still the same - he had a shiny noise. For so many years I felt I could have been on this island, seeming to be so different. I have realized that God has created each one of us special. He's designed us to be exactly who and what we need to be to accomplish our destiny for God's kingdom.
The journey may not be easy. It may not always be popular. It may not look like we are going the right way. It may seem that nothing is happening. But remember, "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." (
, NLT)Copyright © 2014 by Mike Dyson. Used by permission.