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Answer the Call to be a 700 Club Prayer Counselor Today!

Share This article A woman just lost her son in a car accident and has nowhere to turn. In her desperate attempt to grasp at anything that could fill the emptiness inside, she dials The 700 Club. Hundreds of phones are ringing in the Prayer Counseling Center, but this woman's call is routed to prayer counselor, Lilibeth Taylor.

Taylor is familiar with the pain of a grieving mother. It was several years prior that she and her 12-year-old daughter were in a fatal car accident. Taylor sustained injuries that left her in a coma for three days, and her daughter never made it out of the wreck.

“I know how you feel,” is this prayer counselor's repeated response to many of the callers she comforts. “When I tell them that, I can sense the spirit of despair lifting from them.”

“You must have the calling to do this job,” Taylor says in hindsight. She journeyed through the emotions of denial, anger, and intense sorrow associated with her own daughter's death. She too wrestled with suicidal thoughts because of the grief.

Yet, this all turned around when Taylor accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. She began to fervently seek God for healing and remembered a specific instance in which God met her. “I was driving one day and crying, and I asked God to use me as His counselor,” Taylor remembers. "Then, I felt an amazing peace come over me."

Months later, she was looking for a job, and a neighbor spoke to her about the Christian Broadcasting Network.

“I was flipping through CBN’s list of jobs, and when I saw 'counselor,' I was shocked! I took a written test on the Bible and was hired to work on September 10, 2001."

During her first week of work, Taylor was inundated with callers affected by the tragedies of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. She knew exactly how to console them. “I told them it's alright to grieve, it's part of the healing process.”

Many prayer counselors agree that it is common to receive calls that are divinely orchestrated. Staffing Director of the Virginia Beach Prayer Counseling Center, Desiree Miller has heard of countless reports like this not just with inbound calls, but with outbound calls as well.

“You will hear that someone was just praying, ‘God, give me a sign,’ and then someone on our team will call them.”

Tracy Swager leads 150 prayer counselors at the center in Nashville, Tennessee.  Both directors suggest that the prayer counselors’ calling far surpasses their 20-hour-a-week shifts.

“It is a way of life for them,” Miller says. Prayer counselors share common values. "They love God, love people, love to pray, and love to make a difference."

The Nashville and Virginia Beach Prayer Counseling Centers are an army of over 350 prayer counselors. Their ranks include school teachers, single mothers, pastors, former chaplains, students, and bilingual speakers. Working around the clock, this team processes on-average 11,000 inbound and 2,000 outbound calls a day. Their combined effort was five million phone contacts just last year!

Prayer counselors are essentially the first responders when The 700 Club is broadcast. They offer prayer, scriptural guidance, and often invite callers to become CBN partners. If a person is interested in a topic or guest on The 700 Club, prayer counselors also provide ministry content and other helps.

Miller says that most callers are interested in receiving prayer. Other inquiries include topics on finances, family issues, salvation, and healing. "Prayer counselors get to see God at work firsthand. It's exciting to see that miracles are for today."

700 Club viewers often call in response to Pat or Gordon Robertson's ministry segment in the broadcast. Prayer counselors like Anna Marie Haskell are the first to witness these testimonies of healings.

"This woman called and said she claimed Pat's word that someone in a wheelchair was being healed. She felt a surge through her body," recalled Haskell. The disabled woman announced that she stood up and began to run around her living room.

"I could tell from the joy in her voice that she was healed," said Haskell.

The same miracle reports are flooding the center in Nashville, TN. According to Tracy Swager, “There is no distance in prayer—we’re joined with the caller and The 700 Club  before God.”

The 150 counselors on staff in Nashville are a dynamic part of CBN's vision for global impact. Swager believes: "Our prayer counselors are constantly growing in their faith. There are very few jobs in the marketplace that can have such an effect on our world, as we see in the miracles here."

"There are stories every day. People are throwing away their crutches, standing out of their wheelchairs, and experiencing healing in their broken relationships," says Swager.

For prayer counselor Anna Marie Haskell an incentive for working at CBN has been the atmosphere. "Every day you're coming to a workplace that is full of excitement and joy. Others will bless your life here as you work for the Lord. What job provides you a chapel for half-an-hour a day?"

She began working for the Virginia Beach Prayer Counseling Center while she was attending classes at neighboring Regent University. Haskell found the schedule was flexible and ideal for college students who need income.

With a glowing smile she admits, "You're pouring out ministry a lot here, but you're receiving a lot too. People want to support you." The staff even rallied around Haskell before she got married, by showering her with a party and gifts.

"We are a family here. We naturally communicate to our staff how much we value and appreciate them," says Miller of the Virginia Beach and Nashville centers.

Many of the prayer counselors' desks are decked out with balloons and banners honoring special occasions and accomplishments such as birthdays, job related milestones, and good attendance. Throughout the CBN community, prayer counselors are known for their contagious enthusiasm and are often bubbling over in prayer and worship throughout their work day.

"CBN prayer counselors are on the frontlines of world events, literally. They are engaged in national events and changing history through their prayers," says Miller.

During national conflicts and devastations such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, counselors are equipped to intercede on behalf of millions. To improve their prayer counseling and phone skills, on-the-job training is offered on a continuous basis as well.

According to Miller, the Center is constantly adapting to the needs of the callers. "There's always something new since the broadcast is always changing. We are looking for people who enjoy learning more."

Currently, The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Centers in Virginia Beach, Va., and Nashville, TN are looking for more prayer counselors. If you are in need of part-time work and want to join this growing, dynamic team of world-changers, go to the CBN Employment Home page. Answer the call today!

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