'Real Talk Kim' on a Mission After Hitting Rock Bottom: 'I'm Going to Pull as Many People Out of Hell as I Can'
Best known as "Real Talk Kim," Kimberly Jones-Pothier is a best-selling author and co-pastor of a thriving church in Fayetteville, Georgia – but her life hasn't always been a bed of roses.
Just four years earlier, at the age of 36, she found herself living in her parents' home with her two young children without a penny to her name, The Christian Post reports. It was no exaggeration to say Jones-Pothier had hit rock bottom, having lost everything from her home and business to her marriage.
"I was a victim in my own story," she told the Post. "I was desperate, waiting for a miracle, waiting for God to change my life. One day, I cried out to God, begging Him to take my pain away and allow me to live again."
God did answer Jones-Pothier, but it wasn't the response she expected.
"He said to me, 'Kim, I can't take the pain away from you. You got to get up and walk away from it,'" she said. "That was just a pivotal moment for me because I realized that, in the church world, we do expect God to be a genie in a bottle."
From that day forward, instead of lamenting her circumstances, Jones-Pothier allowed God to transform her perspective.
"I started believing that maybe God did have a purpose for my life that far exceeded anything that I could see," she told the Post. "Soon, I started preaching. I had my wings. I'd come from a caterpillar to a butterfly."
"I told the devil, 'you should've taken me out when you could because I'm going to pull as many people out of Hell as I can… I'm going to use my testimony to show people that God is the best redemption on the planet,'" she vowed. And she's encouraging others to do likewise – starting with getting serious about their relationship with God.
"We've got to spend time with God and be intentional about our relationship with Him," she said. "Get your tail out of bed and get on your knees. Give God the first moments of your day. When you surrender to God, you experience growth."
Dear lord...
— Real Talk Kim (@RealTalkKim) January 10, 2019
Help those whose pillows are soaked with tears. Send your spirit to comfort them & minister them back to life. "Be still, and know that I am God..."
( , NIV)
And her passion for evangelism has never faded. She and her husband, Mark Pothier, serve as senior pastors at Church of the Harvest in Georgia. She uses her position in the pulpit, along with the power of social media, to reach a lost and dying world.
"God's given me a platform," she said. "Social media allows you to have your own Oprah Winfrey show, and you need to be intentional about utilizing it. You are winning souls that you could have never touched because you are being obedient and talking about Jesus and giving somebody hope."
— Real Talk Kim (@RealTalkKim) January 3, 2019
If God is for us, it really doesn't matter who is against us. The giants are big, but GOD is bigger. We have weaknesses, but GOD has strength. We sin, but GOD forgives us. We fail, but GOD never gives up on us.