Gospel Coalition Invites Christians Around the World to Join 'Day of Fast and Pray' Event This Saturday
The Gospel Coalition, a fellowship of evangelical churches in the Reformed tradition, is calling for all Christians to participate in a day to fast and pray this Saturday, April 4.
"We want to pray to the Lord in faith, trusting in the words of
: 'O LORD, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear,'" the organization wrote on its website.As billions of people around the world have watched with dread as the COVID-19 virus continues to spread -- it has left people feeling anxious, uncertain about the future and most of all, helpless.
The coalition reminds believers that we worship a mighty God who is not helpless. Christians should pray as the Apostle Paul said in
, we ought not be anxious about anything, "but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."Why fast? People who have willingly chosen to become Jesus' disciples are required to partake in the fellowship of Christ's sufferings. While we are not meant to nail ourselves on the cross and re-live the suffering by Jesus at Calvary, yet we are asked by God to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. We fast with only one motive and that is to seek God.
For those who are new to fasting, the coalition recommends this resource.
The day to fast and pray will have three primary prayer times. The Gospel Coalition team has created a prayer companion booklet that participants can view online or download as a PDF to help guide them through the day.
There will be three prayer times set during the day, including morning for personal prayer, midday prayer for community prayer and evening prayer for online prayer and worship.
The one-hour evening prayer time will be a live event on Facebook and YouTube at 7:00 pm Eastern/ 4:00 pm Pacific this Saturday, April 4.
During this time will be prayers offered for:
- the sick and suffering
- for medical workers
- for provision/economy
- for local, national and global governments
- for church leaders and missionaries
- for families
- for the lost
Gospel Coalition President Julius Kim invites you to a day of fasting and prayer below: