Visit Israel from Your Home: Join CBN's Virtual Tour Through Jerusalem
Millions of people around the world have been forced into isolation as part of the global effort to stop the deadly coronavirus pandemic. Since no tourists are allowed in Israel during this time, CBN News is bringing Israel to you.
We are inviting you to join our virtual tour series and see Israel's most fascinating sites from the comfort of your own home. Ride with us on the Sea of Galilee, walk the ancient pilgrimage road to that Jesus once walked, and visit ancient Shiloh.
This virtual tour page features sites in the holy city of Jerusalem.
The coronavirus can't stop this incredible journey. Watch the Bible come alive with us.
1. Journey with us as we take you to the place where King David established his capital.
2. We take you on the biblical superhighway – the pilgrim's path that led to the Jewish Temple in ancient times.
3. The search for the Ark of the Covenant has captured the imagination of movie makers, archaeologists and even a queen of England. Legends have placed the ark in such faraway places as Ethiopia or Ireland. Today we introduce you to a researcher who believes the ark is here in Jerusalem.
4. More than fifty years ago, Israeli Paratroopers captured the Temple Mount and the Old City during the Six-Day War. That was a breakthrough moment and since then, Israeli archaeologists have made some of the most significant finds in history in and around Jerusalem.
5. Today we take you to the Temple Mount – one of the world's most contested and photographed pieces of real estate. That's why it's the theme of a unique exhibit in Jerusalem's Old City. "The Mount" follows the history of the holy site from the first photos almost 200 years ago to the selfie of today.
6. Three thousand years ago King David purchased the land on which two consecutive Jewish temples were built – the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. And although God said his house would be a house of prayer for all nations, not everyone can pray there. Today we take a look at the controversy that won't go away.
7. We take you again to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The holy site has never been excavated but an illegal construction project 20 years ago opened the door to some major discoveries.
8. We take you to the Western Wall where visitors often place written prayers in the cracks between the stones. But have you ever wondered what happens when no more prayers will fit in those crevices? Here's the answer.
9. Today we show you a section of an ancient city wall was been discovered by archeologists in Jerusalem. Some say the find confirms the biblical account of the city's existence at the time of King Solomon.
10. Today we take you to one of the historic locations where Christ spent his final days with his disciples. New technology is helping unravel the mystery of this sacred site.
11. Before he was crucified, Pontius Pilate and King Herod confronted Jesus. Archaeologists have discovered the place where it all took place. Join us as we see this important historic site.
12. We take you to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, believed to be the place where Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose again according to tradition dating back to at least the 4th century.
13. We take you to the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem - another spot some believe could be the place where Jesus was buried and resurrected after being persecuted.
14. Today we take you to one of the busiest places in Jerusalem - an open-air market called Mahane Yehuda. If you come to Jerusalem, the "Shuk" is the place to go and it's a place you can see prophecy come alive.
15. Have you ever wondered what Jerusalem looked like 2000 years ago when Jesus walked the earth? The Israel Museum gives visitors a peek into the past with a giant model of Jerusalem from the Second Jewish Temple period. Take a look.
16. When it comes to the slaughter of six million Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators during the Holocaust, it is often hard to grasp the reality of each person’s story. Each one had a life, family, hopes, and dreams. We show you the online exhibits from Israel’s Holocaust museum that aim to tell those stories.
17. Today we take you to the Mount of Olives, where Jesus wept over Jerusalem, prayed in the Garden of Gethsamane, was arrested, and ascended to heaven. It’s the place where Christ will land when he returns to conquer Jerusalem.