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Religion Prof. Wants to Travel Back in Time to Kill Jesus - Um, Newsflash: Killing Jesus Doesn't Work

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A recent story on CBN News on the left-wing insanity infecting academia today included a tweet by Timothy Snediker, a professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Prof. Snediker tweeted that if he had a time machine, he'd go back and "assassinate Jesus of Nazareth."

Take a second and consider the irony. 

He'd kill Jesus, presumably to stop His message from spreading throughout the Earth. 

Breaking news, professor: That's been tried and it failed SPECTACULARLY.

I'm not sure what the requirements are to teach religion at UCSB, but here's a refresher course.

The Gospels tells us that the religious authorities of the day pressured the Roman governor to have Jesus put to death because He was a troublemaker. Can you think of a word that fits that description? Maybe…assassination?

Somewhere in Prof. Snediker's training, he missed the fact that Jesus WAS killed to stop His message and ministry. 

So, in his big chance to change the course of human events, the professor wants to do exactly what's already been done, but for some reason, he expects a different result.   

Maybe that's because he doesn't understand that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the linchpins of the Christian faith and the reason it has endured and flourished through two millennia. He's missed the point of the most significant event in world history: Killing Jesus doesn't work. Jesus comes back to life. 

Not only that, but the resurrected Christ gave His Holy Spirit and power to His disciples, who, emboldened by seeing a dead man walk and talk and ascend into Heaven, went out and preached His message until they also were killed. Then their disciples picked up the banner and onward through the centuries.

What Christians know and Prof. Snediker doesn't understand is that death doesn't stop Jesus and it doesn't stop His church. Perhaps, we might give up our lives one day, but we'll also be resurrected to spend eternity in His Kingdom.

Prof. Snediker may not be very nice, but let's not be angry with him. Let's just have a little chuckle at his foolishness and say a prayer that God would enlighten him. We've all been there: lost in the darkness, ignorant of the truth and groping along by the feeble light of our own understanding.

Sure, he's hostile to our faith and he probably wouldn't have any problem with closing churches and throwing believers in jail. I mean, if he'd kill Jesus (again) what would he do to us?

Yes, he represents the spiritual forces that stand against Jesus and His Kingdom, but he's nothing new. People have been trying to kill Jesus since He was an infant and Jesus is not surprised or offended or even angry. 

He says today of Prof. Snediker and all who stand against Him: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

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