Kirk Cameron Releases New Documentary Exposing the Dangers of Technology on Children
Actor Kirk Cameron is possibly best known for his role on the 1980s series "Growing Pains." The hit show celebrated marriage and family. And Cameron is still passionate about both of those today.
That passion is what's behind Cameron's new film Connect. It's a documentary that uncovers the possible dangers of technology to children. Connect hits theaters Tuesday, February 27, 2018.
"I decided to get to the bottom of how technology and my kids were interacting," said Cameron.
"The heart of the battle is really the battle of the heart."
Cameron and his wife have six children, five of them teenagers. And like most young people in America, their children have access to smart phones and social media.
The technology opens the door to games, entertainment and fun. But it also opens the possibility of harmful connections.
Cameron begins his documentary with a father whose son was being solicited by an adult man. That father found his son has a number of hidden social media accounts, and stepped in to protect him. But not all social media stories end that way.
Kirk traveled and spoke with a number of experts to help equip parents and children to thrive in an ever-changing digital environment.
The experts include: neurosurgeon Dr. Ian Armstrong, the founder of Celebrate Kids Kathy Koch, the founder of uKnowKidsTim Woda, Calvary Chapel Pastor Ken Graves, and founder of Heartlight Mark Gregston.
Kirk also interviews parents and young adults about the personal impact of technology on their lives.
"God-fearing parents can find confidence and guidance when it comes to the challenges of parenting in our technology-driven world, knowing that God has fully equipped us for the sacred calling as a parent," said Kirk.
"We have resources to prepare our children as they learn their purpose and identity and responsibly use technology to understand family, friends, God and the world around them."
For tickets and more information on Connect, please visit www.FathomEvents.com. The documentary will be shown in 750 theaters throughout the US on 2/27/18 and 3/1/18.