A Pentecost Moment: CBN Aired 'Night of Promise' Special to Bless Israel and Seek God for Global Revival
Nearly 2000 years ago, God poured out His Holy Spirit on the church during Pentecost. The times were difficult then also, but in the midst of upheaval, God was at work to change the future of the world for His glory, forever.
With the world facing ongoing pandemic turmoil, a large group of Christians is uniting for a special moment to offer encouragement, celebrate Pentecost, declare God's faithfulness, bless Israel, and build the faith of believers everywhere.
So a unique program has been created, entitled "Night of Promise", to coincide with Pentecost weekend, airing on Christian TV stations and networks across the US, Canada, and around the world this Friday and Saturday night.
With Israel also facing economic hardship and 25 percent unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic at this Pentecost season, or Shavuot as it's known in Israel, the event will feature an effort to rally medical supplies and humanitarian aid for the Holy Land. The program will raise money to benefit organizations ministering in Israel, to stand with Israel when they need help the most. Operation Blessing is the designated humanitarian organization that will receive and then distribute funds to those entities in Israel. All donations will go to: OB.org/NightOfPromise.
The "Night of Promise" is also designed to encourage Christians around the world that God is faithful. It's a reminder for Christians to come together as one, just as the Jewish believers did on that first Pentecost. It will be a time of blessing and encouragement as believers unite in faith, praying for an outpouring of God's Spirit in our nation, in Israel, and around the world.
"God wants to bring good out of this experience we are all going through and revive our land! The time for revival is now," the program declares.
Hosted by Messianic leader Jonathan Bernis and CBN President Gordon Robertson, "Night of Promise" will be presented from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Eastern on Friday, May 29 across all CBN platforms, including CBN.com, CBNNews.com, the CBN News Channel Live online, on streaming APPS like CBN Family, and also on the CBN News YouTube channel.
"Night of Promise" guests include Marcus and Joni Lamb, Marty and Misha Goetz, Samuel Rodriguez, Sid Roth, Bethel Music, Jonathan Cahn, Mike Huckabee, Paul Wilbur, Michael Brown, Michael and Vanessa, Janet Parshall, Robert Morris, Joshua Aaron, Tim Ross, Pat Robertson, Miqedem Music, Joel Osteen, Don Moen, Jentezen Franklin, Joel Chernoff, Bishop Ulmer, Chris Hodges, Joyce Meyer, Kathie Lee Gifford, David Brickner, Michael W. Smith, Greg Laurie, and Ari Soko-Ram. The program will be available for viewing on other social media outlets as well, including, FB.com/JewishVoice, FB.com/OperationBlessing, as well as Operation Blessing's YouTube channel.
The "Night of Promise" special will also air across multiple Christian platforms like GOD TV, CTN, Daystar, Cornerstone, GEB METV, (Middle East TV) ISN (It's Supernatural Network), Impact, INI, KSCE/Life Christian Broadcasting (El Paso), Miracle Channel (Canada), TCT, TLNNET, JoyTV / Faith TV (Canada), WACX (Orlando), and YES TV/CTS (Canada).
A repeat airing of the event will take place at 8:00 pm Eastern on Saturday, May 30 on all CBN platforms mentioned above.