DACA Deadline: Time Is Running Out for Certain Dreamers
The Homeland Security Department will stop accepting DACA renewals after midnight Thursday, a deadline that could leave tens of thousands of so-called Dreamers without work authorization.
When the Trump administration announced last month that it would phase out the program, it said people could still renew if their enrollment expired or will expire between Sept. 5 and March 5 - a group of roughly 154,000 people.
But they had to do it before October 6.
Of those 154,000, only 106,000 had renewed or submitted requests by Tuesday.
A tiny number of outstanding renewal applications from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands will be reviewed on a "case-by-case" basis, according to acting DHS Secretary Elaine Duke.
Unless lawmakers get an extension, more than 100,000 recipients could face deportation.
The deadline is part of what the Department of Homeland Security is calling an "orderly wind down" of the program, which the Trump administration announced at the beginning of September that it would be rescinding.
The program will phase out over the next six months, leaving the fate of DACA recipients in the hands of Congress.
Opponents of DACA say it's illegal and by letting undocumented children stay in the country, others who enter illegally will think their children can stay too.
Supporters of DACA are urging congress to pass "A Clean Dream Act." They say the application fee, which is nearly $500 is difficult for many to pay.
DACA supporters also said they want Homeland Security to specify what would happen to recipients if they could not renew their applications and their statuses expire.
Those who need to renew DACA CLICK HERE