House Reports Evidence of Lerner's IRS Corruption
Former IRS official Lois Lerner created "unprecedented roadblocks for Tea Party organizations" seeking non-profit status, according to a conclusion from a House committee.
The committee issued a 141-page report of their findings after investigating the scandal.
Here is an excerpt from the report:
"Through e-mails, documents, and the testimony of other IRS officials, the Committee has learned a great deal about Lois Lerner's role in the IRS targeting scandal since the Committee first issued a subpoena for her testimony. She was keenly aware of acute political pressure to crack down on conservative-leaning organizations. Not only did she seek to convey her agreement with this sentiment publicly, she went so far as to engage in a wholly inappropriate effort to circumvent federal prohibitions in order to publicize her efforts to crack down on a particular Tea Party applicant. She created unprecedented roadblocks for Tea Party organizations, worked surreptitiously to advance new Obama Administration regulations that curtail the activities of existing 501(c)(4) organizations - all the while attempting to maintain an appearance that her efforts did not appear, in her own words, 'per se political.'"
The American Center for Law and Justice represents 41 Tea Party groups in a suit against the IRS.
They said in a press release the report "underscores what has been apparent for months: former IRS official Lois Lerner's 'maliciousness and corruption' are well documented and very clear."
"The report concludes that Lerner, who refused to testify before Congress for a second time last week, strategized with others at the IRS on how to highlight the agency's scrutiny of Tea Party applicants, despite secrecy laws, by provoking groups to challenge IRS rulings in a court case. According to the report, Lerner also expressed concern that the Supreme Court ruling leading to the increase of 501(c)(4) tax-exempt groups would hurt Democratic senators seeking re-election in 2012," the ACLJ press release stated.
Lerner refused to testify before Congress for a second time last week. She said she has done nothing wrong, but offered to share her testimony in exchange for full immunity.