'They Tried to Overthrow the Presidency': Trump Says Results of IG's Report Could be 'Historic'
WASHINGTON - During an interview on Friday morning, President Donald Trump did not mince words saying the Inspector-General's report will reveal blockbuster details on efforts to derail his presidency before voters even went to the polls.
"They were spying on my campaign and it went right up to the top and everybody knows it and now we're going to find out," President Trump said on Fox News morning show "Fox and Friends".
According to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), the report will be released Dec. 9. He also said two days later Inspector-General Michael Horowitz will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee which Graham chairs. The IG's investigation is looking into how the FBI conducted its probe into alleged Trump campaign ties to Russia. A key part: did someone in the FBI falsify documents to obtain warrants for surveillance on campaign adviser Carter Page.
"There has been a continued cover-up to this very day," Page said. "We still don't have the truth but hopefully we'll get that soon."
"This was an overthrow attempt at the presidency," Trump insisted during the interview. "They tried to overthrow the presidency and it's a disgrace."
The IG's office reviewed more than 1 million records and conducted more than 100 interviews as part of its investigation. The President teased that he expects something groundbreaking.
"The information that we have now is beyond belief already but what they have coming out, I hear, is historic," Trump said.
The President also said the Russia probe combined with the impeachment process is the greatest political scandal in the history of the country, orchestrated by the highest levels of the Democratic Party.