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Pence Predicts Trump's Supreme Court Picks Will Have Final Say on Congress' Gay Marriage Act

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For people of faith, there's growing concern after President Biden signed into law the so-called Respect for Marriage Act.  

Former Vice President Mike Pence, a long-time champion of religious freedom, is weighing in.

In an exclusive interview with CBN News Chief Political Analyst David Brody, Pence called the law unnecessary because of the 2015 Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.     

"Only in Washington, D.C. would you have Congress legislating on a topic that had been decided a decade ago," Pence said. "And I think that this is an issue that's best left to the courts because of the profound implications for religious liberty."

"Had I been in the Congress I would have voted my values on the question of that marriage law," he continued. "The likelihood is it makes its way into the court, but with those three Supreme Court justice we appointed, the conservatives on the Court today, I have great confidence we have a Supreme Court that will uphold the religious liberty of every American."

WATCH: 'Marriage Is Between One Man and One Woman'

You can see more of David's interview with Vice President Pence on Friday's 700 Club, including what he has to say about his faith, Donald Trump, and the direction of the GOP.  

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