Anne Graham Lotz: America's In a Moral and Spiritual Freefall
We need to pray for our nation, before it's too late. God's judgments are mounting and if America doesn't turn back to Him we could reach a point of no return.
That's the message from Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of evangelist Billy Graham. In an interview about her new book, The Daniel Prayer, Lotz told CBN News that there are dangerous parallels between ancient Judah and America.
The Bible tells how God sent messenger after messenger to Judah, but the nation became more and more immoral, until finally, God became its enemy.
Lotz points out that it was a slow judgment, happening over a 22 year period because God doesn't want anyone to perish. In the end, Judah did not turn to God and was wiped off the map.
"I see in America that same tendency to defy God just become more defiant in our sin, our rebellion, our immorality and God has sent us message after message. I think 9/11 was a message from God. I know it was done by evil people, but I believe it was a message that He allowed to wake up His people. Maybe for a couple of weeks we were awake and then we just seemed to go right back to sleep, apathetic, and became almost worse with political correctness," Lotz said.
"God has sent us other messages in the last 16 years, 15 years since 9/11 and we haven't responded and we haven't turned to Him, we're becoming worse," she continued.
"We're in a free fall, morally and spiritually we're imploding in this nation and my concern is we're going to reach a point of no return so that there comes a point the psalmist says that when you seek God he will not be found, that our sin and our iniquities come between us and Him to a point that He won't return to us," Lotz warned.
However, she doesn't believe we've reached a point of no return, as Judah did. Lotz says the hope is that God is stirring up people to pray as Daniel prayed--a prayer that changed a nation.
The Daniel Prayer is not an every day type of prayer. It's a prayer birthed under pressure, heartache, grief, desperation. It can be triggered by a sudden revelation of hope, an answer to prayer, a promise freshly received, a miracle that lies over the horizon. Whether you pray out of triumph or tragedy, the Daniel Prayer works.
Lotz says the problem with America is that God is missing and it's time we turn ourselves back over to him.