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Mom Suffers Backlash After Posting Pictures of Stillborn Son


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A young mother who delivered a stillborn son last month is dealing with hateful comments after she posted his pictures on Facebook, which have now been seen by more than a million people.

Felicia Cash was trying to show that, despite being only 14 weeks into pregnancy, her child was "a person, very obviously human, not a cluster of cells, not a lump of tissue, not a blob of unformed flesh," as some abortion proponents suggest.   

Cash delivered her son unexpectedly, at home, and noticed right away his well-formed fingernails, veins and muscles, even at the tender age of three months gestation. She said she's trying to refute the message from pro-choice advocates who suggest a child in the womb isn't really a person, but rather, "fetal matter." 

She said she hopes showing the picture of her unborn son might convince women who are considering abortion that despite claims to the contrary, a pre-born child, even in the early stages of pregnancy, is "not to be taken lightly."

Cash told CBN News that the reaction to her posting the pictures has been mixed. She said her personal Facebook page was flooded with so many hateful comments that she had to take it down and establish a public page, which filters some of the most vile language. She said despite that change, her father now manages the public page to shield his daughter from the continued backlash.

However, Cash said she has been encouraged by the outpouring of support she's received. As it turns out, she's not the only mother who has taken a picture of her stillborn child. Other moms offered pictures of their children. Like Cash, these moms say the pictures of their stillborn children prove that even in the earliest days in its mother's womb, a child is a human being and a person whose life has worth, despite only being in the beginning stages of pregnancy. 

"He is a beautiful child, formed by God, and now gone to be with Him,"  Cash wrote on her Facebook page, adding, "I am posting this in hopes of offering information to those who may not know how completely a child of only 14 weeks gestation is formed."




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