CA Pro-life Activists Rally in Sacramento to Protest 'Free' Chemical Abortions at Public Colleges
Groups will gather in Sacramento, Calif. on Tuesday to protest legislative proposal, SB 24, mandating that state-funded colleges keep the abortion pill, RU-486 available as a basic health service.
The legislation, SB 24, was introduced in December by state Sen. Connie Leyva. It would require student health centers on all University of California and California State University campuses to offer chemical abortions to students up to 10 weeks of pregnancy, beginning in January 2023.
The drug Mifepristone/RU-486, which ends the life of the unborn child, and Misoprostol which causes severe cramping, contractions, and bleeding to expel the baby from the womb, are used together in chemical abortions.
Pro-life activists with Students for Life of America (SFLA) are meeting on August 13 to gather petitions against SB 24. The event includes a march and guest speakers condemning the bill.
SFLA Regional Coordinator Nick Reynosa said "California is the only state with a SB 24 type bill. If passed, it could lead up to 6,000 chemical abortions per year and with no guaranteed conscience protections."
Also a Sacramento mother will lead a pro-life march around California's capital on August 13. Michele LaMonica's protest is expected to draw over 100 people.
"I oppose SB 24 because instead of education, support, empowerment, and embracing our young adults, this legislation teaches them that human life is disposable," LaMonica said.
The Education Committee voted on SB 24 on June 25 and it passed. The next hearing is scheduled with the Assembly Appropriations Committee on Wednesday morning in Sacramento.
Gov. Gavin Newsom (D - CA) said he would support the bill if it reaches his desk.
"California legislators are recklessly experimenting with students' lives and health by considering a plan to force school health centers to become abortion vendors, pushing chemical abortion pills to force an intentional miscarriage," said SFLA President Kristan Hawkins.
SFLA will rally at 9:30 am and LaMonica's march will begin at 10:00 am Pacific Time. Both events will be held at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament at 1017 11th Street in Sacramento.