Study: More Women Becoming Addicted to Pornography
Research shows that men aren't the only ones suffering from sexual addiction and a passion for viewing pornography.
These moral breakdowns used to be considered a man's problem, but women are also battling similar sexual desires.
CBN News previously reported that sex addiction can hook its victims in a much worse way than other vices, such as drugs or alcohol.
Experts say it's not only a serious problem - it's one of the most powerful. However, some also believe that there's good news and hope as science is now telling us what God has always said in His Word - there is hope and a path to the freedom you might not know about.
The Conquer Series is a DVD study and assistance course from Kingdom Works Studio. The series was designed and hosted by Dr. Ted Roberts to help those suffering from porn addiction. It targets sexual purity by instructing viewers how to renew their mind and break destructive patterns.
Pornography, extra-marital affairs, and infidelity are major problems in today's society.
The Barna Group conducted surveys on men and women in both 2014 and 2016.
In men they found:
•63% of 18-30 year olds view pornography several times per week;
•77% of 31-49 year olds have looked at porn while at work in the past 3 months;
•35% had an extramarital affair;
In women they found:
•76% aged 18-30 admitted to watching porn at least once per month;
•21% in that same age range view pornography several times per week;
•25% of married women watch porn at least once per month.
In the Conquer Series, Dr. Roberts describes the continually tightening grip porn has on one’s life as a noose of bondage. The series is designed to get at the root of addiction so recovery can begin.
Roberts takes viewers on a journey of discovery, laying out spiritual strategies, presenting scientific facts and, in military style, teaches men how to use the weapons God has given them to prevail against the enemy of their souls.
Returning to the truth of the gospel will help these men and women overcome their secret struggles. Pastors can no longer afford to be silent, especially during these tough times when the world needs the church, Kingdom Works says. Churches must support those suffering from addiction by providing a safe environment where they can seek healing for their mind, body, soul, and spirit.
"There's no way we can have revival in the church's present condition," Roberts said. God would have to repent to give us revival. He's not going to do that. He's going to ask the church to deal with this, or we will become irrelevant."