Drag Queens Mimic Slave-Style Auction with Christian Effigies to Promote Planned Parenthood
In a recent fundraiser for Planned Parenthood, drag queen performers in Washington state mocked pro-life activists and local Christian pastors by parading around in cardboard cutouts of their faces to raise donations. One of the Christian activists whose face was featured says it made her feel like she had been displayed in a slave-style auction.
The drag queens at the event were reportedly some of the same people who read books to children at the Spokane Public Library for Drag Queen Story Hour.
Their pro-abortion fundraiser was organized by a group called Spokane United Against Religious Extremism, according to a report by The Activist Mommy.
The cutouts represented the faces of at least six Christian activists and pastors, including Pastors Ken Peters and Afshin Yaghtin, and the founder of 500 Mom Stronger, Anna Bohach.
Bohach told CBN News that the group displays hatred toward Christianity and has harassed her and her family.
"We are peacefully protesting, but what they are doing is shocking," Bohach added.
"These Christians demonstrated against Drag Queen Story Hour sexually exploiting and grooming children. They are successfully exposing and calling attention to Planned Parenthood and the American Library Association's active attempts to expose children to deviant sexual practices and dangerous gender ideology," Bohach writes in an article for The Activist Mommy.
Performers also held up images of Christians who are affiliated with The Church at Planned Parenthood, while lining the stage in a manner that some have said resembles a simulated slave auction.
According to Activist Mommy, Planned Parenthood had a table at the event with information about their services. Also, they donated promotional items such as t-shirts, hats, and socks to be placed in the auction baskets.
Bohach told the Christian Post she was not surprised by the event or Planned Parenthood's association with the group.
"Christians are the biggest threat to their agendas. We are the only ones standing in their way and telling them: 'No, you will not abort babies; no, you will not exploit vulnerable women; and now, you will not expose our children to sexual deviancy and gender confusion," she said.
"Using effigies and a slave-auction style fundraiser to raise money for an organization whose existence is based upon the extermination of black Americans is in very poor taste," she said. "But again, not surprising given drag itself is rooted in the blackface minstrel shows of the last century."
As CBN News has reported, Planned Parenthood has specifically targeted minority neighborhoods with its abortion clinics, and the founder of the abortion giant, Margaret Sanger, was racist against black people.
The drag queens' mockery of the Christian activists reportedly raised $1,865 for Planned Parenthood.
Referring to Planned Parenthood and the drag queens, Bohach concluded, "Both groups dehumanize, exploit, terrorize and commit violence against women. Abortion is violence against women and their babies, and drag is a misogynistic mockery of women."
CORRECTION: An organizer of the drag queen fundraiser for Planned Parenthood tells CBN News there was no financial sale or exchange in their staged mockery of the Christian activists, only "donations" were pledged.
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