George Floyd's Brother Condemns Riots: 'He Would Not Want You All to be Doing This'
While violent rioting and rampant unrest continue to sweep across the United States, George Floyd’s younger brother is begging for the violence to stop.
"Do this peacefully, please," he pleaded on Monday as a crowd of grieving protesters gathered at the site where his brother died after being pinned under a police officer’s knee for several minutes.
Terrence, surrounded by civil rights activists, asked people to protest but not to destroy their communities.
“My brother moved here from Houston,” said Terrence. “I know he would not want you all to be doing this…That’s not going to bring my brother back at all.”
WATCH: Full speech by George Floyd's brother, Terrence Floyd, at site of George Floyd's death. pic.twitter.com/piEcnilzCb
— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 1, 2020
The crowd chanted, “What’s his name? George Floyd!” and “Peace on the left, justice on the right,” as if to say they go hand in hand.
Terrence Floyd, at times overcome with emotion, prayed and wept while wearing a coronavirus mask with George’s image on it.
“My family is a peaceful family. My family is God-fearing. Yeah, we upset,” he said.
Two men stood beside Terrence to keep him from falling over in grief.
Surrounded by flowers, candles, and protest signs, he urged protesters to take their voice to the ballot box.
“If I’m not over here messing up my community, then what are you all doing?” he said. “Let's stop thinking that our voice don't matter and vote. Not just vote for president, but for the preliminaries.”
The crowd demanded that all of the officers who saw Floyd die in their custody be prosecuted.
Officer Derek Chauvin, who is seen on video with his knee on George’s neck despite his cries that he could not breathe, has been charged with murder. The three other officers involved have not been charged.
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