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Clicking Knees Experience Permanent Fix

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Whether she's on a stage or in front of the lens, actress Ann Ault has entertained theater, film, and tv audiences for over 50 years. "My life is a miracle because I'm a very shy kid, but in my living room, I became Anna in "The King and I" and all those parts. I ended up doing all those parts; it was just amazing. God is so good."        

Ann's been cast in over 300 commercials and roles in major films, TV, and animated series. "Adventures in Odyssey, I did 200 episodes plus or minus you know, of-of those. And I played Robin's mother; on the other hand, I also do jobs like temp work and waitressing – the world's worst waitress! But, all kinds of jobs He (God) gives you to survive between gigs." Last fall, Ann needed a little extra income, so she found a cleaning job for 10 hours a week at a nearby church. "But I love this job. I love the people. I do clean offices and stuff like that; the staff is fabulous."

But, with all the standing and squatting on the job, Ann says a "clicking sound" developed every time she bent her left knee. “I've always had problems with my knees, but this was the one that was bone on bone. And that's the thing is I'm an active person, and I'm into health stuff, you know, but I could tell that the knee was getting worse and worse. Now, once easy tasks, like carrying groceries and climbing stairs to her third-floor apartment, took effort and care.

 And I was always saying, "oh, God, please, no falls, no falls."  it's sort of a vicious cycle. You're afraid that you're going to fall, and your walking is unsteady and it's, you know, it's scary. Again, it's always favoring this knee (left). So, when you're always doing that, you, you know, your body is out of kilter all the time.

By Christmas, with her whole body out of alignment, Ann went to see a chiropractor.  

"And I said, 'listen to this, click, click, click,' and it did that all the time, and he said, 'yeah, that's bad.' And I knew that I needed a miracle, and I needed it soon. Because I couldn't afford the extra that you would need to pay for surgery, and I just said, 'God, you know that I cannot do this job. And it's a job you gave me. And if you don't heal me, I don't know what I'm going to do.' "  

Around midnight, on New Year's eve 2019, Ann, a long-time viewer of The 700 Club,  was watching the show. "But in the meantime, I was also praying. I said,' oh, if they have words of knowledge tonight,  Lord!' I just thought 'Lord, and I would just love it if you would nix the clicks.’ '"

The 700 Club,  Gordon Robertson on TV said: "someone you have had clicking in your right jaw, and you are just laying hands on it right now and all that clicking. Ann said, “ I was just stunned when Gordon first said the clicks, you know, ‘there's a click,’ you know. And I (said) oh!     
The 700 Club, Terry Meeuwsen on TV said: "someone else has clicking in your right elbow. It is painful and so annoying. God is healing that for you."

Ann recalls: "And I said, ‘oh Lord, what about my kneeeees,’ and just then, just then, oh man! …"
The 700 Club, Gordon Robertson on TV said: "so someone you're laying hands on both knees; you have a problem with both of them. Pain. It is very difficult for you to get up and walk. Anne recalls: "He (Gordon) said, 'and both your knees are healed.' “

Ann explains: “And they were. I love God's sense of humor, you know, what I mean, I got up, and I was going like that (bends knee back and forth) with: 'See, you can't hear anything, not the clicks.' And I got up, and I was rejoicing.  He (Jesus) is so incredible! People need to realize how amazing a Savior He is, you know. He changed my life radically!"


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