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Albert Burridge: An Earful of Grace

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Eighty-four-year-old Albert Burridge plays a mean harmonica. But long ago, this lively octogenarian could barely hear the music he played. Severe ear infections which began in his childhood left him with chronic drainage, pain, and hearing loss.

"It was unbearable, the pain was unbearable. I went to many doctors, but nobody could control it. They didn’t want to touch it. They just give me some medication to put in it, and it didn’t help at all. The drainage was blocking my ear. I had cotton in the ears and behind my ear, and I just couldn’t hear. I couldn’t hear out of my left ear."

"It was an obstacle my whole life, even in my education. I couldn’t keep up with my classes. I didn’t want to associate with people. I kind of stayed alone, by myself," remembers Albert.

Despite the pain and embarrassment of his ear condition, Albert married, had four children, and worked as a machinist until his retirement 20 years ago. Through the years, he often prayed for healing. Then, in January 2006 Albert called and prayed with a CBN prayer counselor.

"Well, it was an awful ordeal until I called The 700 Club, a nd they prayed for me. I was instantly healed. That lady really touched God for me. I don’t have to carry cotton anymore, and I don’t have any dripping anymore. I am happy with it, I am overjoyed with it, and I thank the Lord every day. I thank the Lord everyday for The 700 Club."

He adds, "Now I can go to parties, and I can go in church and mingle with the people. I don’t have any problem. Sometimes we ask God for something, and we want it right away. But God doesn’t work that way. Sometimes we get a miracle, but lots of times, it takes a while. God taught me to never give up. You never give up on God."