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Dr. Myles Munroe: Faith for Trying Times

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Dr. Myles Munroe says your faith is only as strong as the tests it survives. Many believers walk around daily making claims and praising and worshipping God – testifying to how good He is and how much He blessed them, but their faith has never truly been tested. It is easy to say, “God is good” when things are going well, but what about the bad times?

God allows our faith to be tested so we can see how strong we are. His purpose is to help you grow, because He knows that untested faith is not valid faith and never amounts to much.

The testing of our faith serves not only to show the strength of our faith but also to reveal the motive behind our faith. Motive is birthed by beliefs and convictions. If you say, “I trust in God,” why do you trust in God? Is it because of who He is or because of what you hope to get out of it? Satan accused Job of following God only because God had blessed him, so God allowed Job to be tested. He wanted to reveal the motive behind Job’s faith, to reveal whether or not Job would continue to follow God even after he lost everything.

Dr. Myles Munroe says that in the Kingdom of God, as in any country, your belief in the nation’s constitutional promises and privileges can only be verified when circumstances require that you place a demand on the system. The testing of your faith in the Kingdom of God occurs through circumstances, which provide an opportunity for you to validate your belief in the political, economic, social and cultural system of Heaven on earth.

Why did the people consider Jesus’ words a “hard teaching?” Because they realized He was calling them to follow Him with no guarantees of fish and bread; calling them to be satisfied with Him and Him alone; calling them to follow Him without knowing outcomes in advance, content to leave the future in His hands. That’s Kingdom faith: faith that trusts God whether He blesses or not, whether He delivers or not, whether He heals or not. Kingdom faith trusts Christ no matter what because it knows that He has the “words of eternal life,” and has discovered the same truth expressed by King David who wrote, “Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You” (Ps. 63:3).

Don’t build your faith on what God show you; build it on God. Kingdom faith is tested faith. Here are ten essential qualities of Kingdom faith:

1. Kingdom Faith Is Steadfast and Stable in Storms.
2. Kingdom Faith Is in God’s Omniscient Knowledge, not Our limited Knowledge.
3. Kingdom Faith Is Beyond Our Own Understanding.
4. Kingdom Faith Is Rewarded After the Tests.
5. Kingdom Faith Is Rewarded by the King.
6. Kingdom Faith Is Given and Sustained by the King.
7. Kingdom Faith Is Stronger than Blood.
8. Kingdom Faith Is Purified by Tests.
9. Kingdom Faith Does Not Fear Trials.
10. Kingdom Faith Commits the Future to God.