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Heart to Heart with Debbie K

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Debbie was born in Italy. Her father is Thai and her mother is Italian. In 1989, Debbie’s family moved to Bangkok, Thailand when she was 11. Debbie went to school and learned English and Thai. Soon Debbie began modeling and by the time she graduated high school, Debbie was a veteran model, actress and TV presenter. Her passion was always music.

Debbie’s father, a Buddhist, attended a Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship International breakfast where he was introduced to Christianity. He became a born again Christian and started taking the family to church. “Dad’s life really changed,” says Debbie. “One by one, all of us gave our lives to the Lord.” (Debbie’s sister, Karen, is a famous movie star in Thailand and host of One Cubed Thailand. Monique, Debbie’s older sister, is an opera star in Italy and Debbie’s musical inspiration.) After enrolling in Bangkok’s Domata Bible School, she nutured her Christian faith and eventually became a gifted worship leader at a local church. Then Debbie set her sights on a recording career that would solidify her dedication to music and become a genuine expression of her faith and love for God.

Through her music, God has opened doors for Debbie to minister to people who are searching for the truth. She feels she has been given a platform to reach out to cultures that rarely hear the Gospel. Her Thai album came out in 2004 and her Italian album came out in 2006. Several years ago, Debbie started as a translator for CBN’s WorldReach outreaches then became a co-host for Heart to Heart, the Thailand version of The 700 Club.

Debbie met her husband, Bob, an American missionary to Thailand, when they were both working on staff at a Bible school. Together they started a ministry, Life in Christ Ministries, where they train national leaders and plant churches in Thailand.