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Mercy for Free

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Just the thought of going to school was traumatic for 11-year-old Aslam. He hated to face his classmates because of the way he looked. He was born with a cleft lip and palate.

“Children made fun of his cleft lip. Many times he would come home from school in tears,” Aslam’s mom says.

Aslam’s parents are shoe makers. They wanted to help their son, but they didn’t have the money.

“My husband only makes 33 dollars a month,” she says. “We have to pay for our children to go to school. We can’t afford a surgery for Aslam. But we want him to have a brighter future.”

His classmates continued to taunt him, so Aslam often got into fights.

Then, he and his parents were told to go to the Mission of Mercy Hospital, in Kolkotta, India. Operation Blessing partnered with the hospital to provide free cleft lip and palate surgeries.

Aslam, along with 10 other children with similar deformities, underwent an operation that will transform his life.

A few weeks later, Operation Blessing made a follow-up visit. Aslam’s lip has healed up nicely. Soon he’ll be given the surgeries needed to fix his cleft palate and teeth.

“Now that Aslam has had the surgery, we don’t have to see him suffer humiliation anymore,” his mom says. “We are thankful that Operation Blessing was able to change my son’s life.”

Thank you CBN Partners. You’ve given Aslam a chance for a normal life and have shown him a very tangible expression of God’s love. When you partner with CBN, you bring a message of hope and love to those in need – providing medical care, food, water, clothing, and so much more, all in the name of Jesus. Please join with us today.