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The Secret to His Multi-Million Dollar Success

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“Hearing the Gospel for the first time on The 700 Club in my living room, it meant everything to me.”

John McMenamin was a corporate executive living life by his own agenda.

“I was trying to achieve things, and I was living for pleasure. After I got saved none of that was important,” says John.

When he lost his job he decided it was time for a career change.

“I ended up going into real estate. It went slow for a while, and I kept gradually going down in income,” John says.

After three years of struggling in his new career, John was down to his last $108. All along John kept watching The 700 Club and learned the importance of giving.

“They were doing a telethon,” says John. “The Lord kept impressing me to give my money. I had $108. I said, ‘Lord, surely this can’t be you. I won’t have any money to eat or drive my car, or show people homes.’ Then the third day it happened, I said, ‘Well Lord, I’m not going to be disobedient. I’d sooner be wrong than be disobedient, so I’m going to give you a hundred dollars, and I’m going to keep $8.”

He kept those last $8 to keep his checking account open. Two days later something amazing happened.

“I didn’t tell anybody my condition. Someone came knocking on my door, one of my best friends. He said, ‘John, the Lord said to give this to you.’ It was enough money to drive my car and put food on my table. I just cried.”

Almost immediately John saw his real estate business turn around.

“The Lord started blessing my work. Since 1985 to today, I’ve been a multi-million dollar agent every year,” says John.

John continues to give to CBN and encourages others to do the same.

“It’s like the blind man. I once was blind, but now I see. If I didn’t turn on The 700 Club that night, who knows what would’ve happened?”

Being obedient to God's prompting made an incredible difference for John and it turned his finances around. God’s word says that when we willing give to His work, He will bless us abundantly in return and take care of our every need. This is called the Law of Reciprocity. God wants to bless you too. One way you can give to the Lord’s work is through CBN. Your gifts, added to the gifts of other faithful partners, will change lives around the world. Join the 700 Club and help dig clean water wells, provide medical and humanitarian aid to those in need, keep broadcasting a message of hope to a hurting world, and so much more. Please join today.