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All Shook Up

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As we pulled into the parking lot, all 17 pounds of her started shaking.

Our dachshund, Sadie, required shots and an annual exam at our local vet. She recognized the building and tried to make a beeline for the exit during the visit, then stayed all shook up until we arrived home.

Decades ago, a song by Elvis conveyed a time he was all shook up. Why? A closer look at the lyrics and we solve the mystery. Falling in love shook up Elvis Presley. Needless to say, his famous words relayed a kind of shook up we view in a positive light.

On the downside, life gives us plenty of not-so-good reasons for an all-shook-up experience. We lose a job. Our dear loved one passes away. Our child turns wayward. We receive a troubling medical diagnosis. Broken relationships or a hurting marriage rob our joy. An injury inflicted upon our soul seems to never go away.

Each of these and other factors leave us shaking in our boots or whatever our choice of footwear.

Yet, in 20 short words, God’s Word shows us how to overcome in the shaken-up department. It’s not by combing through lyrics to a love song. But this Scripture offers a two-fold plan to keep us stable and grounded.

“I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” (ESV)

With a closer look at the words of David, inspired by the Holy Spirit, we solve the mystery. Here’s how to transform from our all-shook-up mentality to God’s I-will-not-be-shaken mindset.

I set the Lord always before me. 

Not just sometimes or when I feel like it. And not if I have time — always.

The book of Hebrews assures we have received ...

“a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.” (ESV)

This is how we set the Lord before us. We come into His presence daily and often to offer acceptable worship.

God is set before us and not the world. Our focus is on Him.

You see, the choice is ours whether He is before us or on the sidelines of our life. Or, if we are all shook up.

I keep the Lord at my right hand.

The adage, He was my right-hand man, means someone who helps and supports us the most. (

David makes it clear. God is his right-hand God. And He’s our right-hand God.

The Lord gives us the most help. If we seek the Lord and keep Him near, we discover He’s our best support system. And it’s the because-factor in . Because the Lord is at our right hand, we will not be shaken.

For present and future times when life threatens to shake you up, remember the two steps.

Set the Lord always before me. Keep the Lord at my right hand.

Copyright © 2018 Karen Friday, used with permission.

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About The Author


Karen Friday’s passion in moving an audience to laughter, tears, surprise and deep reflection started in elementary school with oratorical contests. She not only possesses an affection for words (just ask her family), but she also cherishes God’s Word. Knowing Jesus more and making Him known is a mission she carries out through speaking, mentoring, writing and blogging. In the blogging world, Karen is referred to as Girl Friday where she shares a central message: You are never far from hope. Her heartbeat is helping followers of Christ live with authentic hope and faith in real life. Karen has

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