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It’s the time of year when my social media is flooded with people talking about their year. Some say it was wonderful. Others label it as one of the worst. Goals were met or forgotten, family entered the world and left it; there was happiness and pain, dreams come true and hearts broken.

How was your year?

Personally, 2018 held some of the best few months of my life. I can’t remember a season that could rival the summer I had; God poured out blessings on my life and completely floored me with his generosity.

That season of abundance was bookended by the worst anger I’ve ever felt, as well as hopelessness when a car wreck, medical bills, and storm damage demanded more of our savings than we wanted to give.

But God is faithful. He is so faithful! He says,

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” (NIV)

To everything I faced this year, God prepared me for it.

He is before — he readied my husband and myself when we weren’t aware of it. He brought friendships, money, wisdom, and faith at the exact times we needed them.

He is in the midst — he guided and assured us. When we cried out to him, he replied with peace and promises.

He is in the end — he proudly reminds me of how He worked everything out for my good and his glory. He deepened our characters, gave more to our testimonies, and we are better for it.

“If we are faithless, he remains faithful – for he cannot deny himself.” (ESV)

I can’t possibly deny the goodness of God’s hand in my life this year, though I will admit I’ve had a lot of faithless moments. I’m young, and still finding my footing in life. My blind faith is turning into a running list of instances where I’ve been tested and God proved his faithfulness. Currently, it’s mostly retrospective. I hope that in the New Year, it becomes a constant attitude. As scary as it is to say, I look forward to how he will continue to grow my faithfulness because I will get to see more of his greatness in new and unique ways.

No matter what, my year started with God and it ends with God. I’m grateful for the trials and the tests with the gifts and the surprises. I’m glad that this next year will start and end with his goodness, faithfulness, and love, too.

No matter what, God is the one constant. He’s the one factor I can rely on, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Copyright © 2018 Sarah Limardo, used with permission.

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About The Author


Sarah Limardo's career includes Multi-media Associate Producer for The 700 Club, a co-host on CBN's Prayer Warriors Podcast, and a writer. She graduated from Regent University in 2015 with a BA in English and Creative Writing, and completed her MA in Strategic Communication in 2020. Sarah is passionate about storytelling in whatever form it may take. Whether it be devotionals, blog posts, short stories, or the novels growing dusty on her hard drive, she aims to share positive and inspirational messages through her writing.

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