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A Child's Faith

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A little child will lead them.

“And dear God,” my little boy whispered, “I pray that you give Mommy and Daddy another Jaynes baby.”

After four years of praying for God to bless us with a second child, we realized that might not be His plan for our family. However, every night my little boy, Steven, prayed for another “Jaynes baby.” But how do you tell someone to stop praying a prayer?

As I pondered this dilemma, God took care of it for me. Just before his fifth birthday, Steven and I were sitting at his child-sized table eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He looked up at me, and with all the wisdom of the prophets asked, “Mommy, have you ever thought that God might want you to have only one Jaynes baby?”

“Yes, son, I have,” I said. “And if that’s the case, I’m glad He gave me everything I ever wanted in one package when He gave me you.”

“Well, what I think we ought to do is pray until you’re too old to have one. Then we’ll know that was His answer.”

Steven had no idea how old “too old” was. He knew Sarah in the Bible was 90 when she delivered Isaac. But whatever the outcome, Steven wasn’t having a problem with God saying no. My son knew I said no to him many times, and no didn’t mean “I don’t love you.” Rather it meant “I’m your parent, and I know what’s best for you.”

God taught me a great lesson that day. Through Steven’s childlike faith, God gave me an example of the attitude of trust I should have toward my heavenly Father who loves me and knows what’s best for me . . . and sometimes that means accepting when His answer is no.

From Extraordinary Moments With God by Sharon Jaynes. Copyright © 2008 Sharon Jaynes, used with permission from Harvest House Publishers.

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About The Author


Sharon Jaynes has been encouraging and equipping women through ministry for over 25 years. Through the years, she has taught various Bible Studies, served as a counselor at Charlotte Pregnancy Care, and mentored women from all walks of life. For 10 years Sharon served as Vice President of Proverbs 31 Ministries and co-host for their daily radio feature. She is the author of 16 books. She has also written numerous magazine articles and devotions. Sharon is a frequent guest on radio and television programs. Sharon is the co-founder of Girlfriends in God, Inc., a non-denominational ministry that

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