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The Easy Way Is Not Always the Right Way

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“Then the men of David said to him, ‘This is the day of which the Lord said to you, Behold, I will deliver your enemy into your hand, that you may do to him as it seems good to you.’” NKJV 

Sometimes everything seems to simply line up; doors open, opportunities arise, and the choice seems obvious. Simply receive the opportunity and proceed. Or is it so simple? Are there other factors to consider?

In , the Bible tells about a time when King Saul took 3000 men to hunt David down to kill him. As circumstances would have it, and unbeknownst to King Saul, it was David who found Saul and his men first.

The Bible says David’s men rejoiced. They suggested it was the Lord who delivered Saul and his men into their hands. They encouraged David to do whatever he wanted to them. As David considered his options, he secretly cut off a corner of Saul’s robe while Saul slept.

Everything seemed perfect. All David had to do was kill his enemy. Instead, he hesitated. The Bible says David’s heart troubled him.

You see, David knew God’s law. He was familiar with God’s instruction about vengeance. It belonged to God alone. David understood if he killed King Saul, he would be killing one of God’s anointed, and he knew it was forbidden.

“And he said to his men, ‘The Lord forbid that I should do this thing to my master, the Lord's anointed, to stretch out my hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the Lord.'” NKJV 

Can you relate to David? Have you been offered an opportunity but don’t have peace? It may be the Holy Spirit reminding you the opportunity is not God’s best. There may be an undisclosed unethical component, and God wants you to turn it down.

A friend recently confided she and her husband were going through a difficult time in their marriage. Out of the blue, she meets another man. He appeared to offer traits and qualities her husband lacked. She convinced herself it was God who sent the new man. How easy it is for us to rationalize or justify our decisions when an opportunity presents itself at just the right time. It is our human condition and frailty at work when we charge ahead in life without allowing the Holy Spirit to be our guide.

It is no wonder the Bible warns us,

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” NIV 

If we familiarize ourselves with the Bible and, like David, know what God desires, we will know how to choose right! It is much easier to obey God and avoid the heartache of bad decisions.

Like my friend, we are all tempted at times. She came to her senses when she remembered the Apostle Paul’s words,

“No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face ... he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.” MSG

We have choices or opportunities that may be appealing in the moment or an easy way out of situations. It is wise to filter those opportunities through NLT,

“Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster.”  

Have you been confronted with an opportunity or decision first appearing to be sent from heaven? How did you respond? Did you jump on board or filter your opportunity through God’s Word? Sometimes the easy way is not the right way. The good news is Jesus will help us choose His way if we allow Him!

Copyright © 2017 Anne Ferrell Tata. Used by permission.

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About The Author

Anne Ferrell

Anne Ferrell grew up as an “Army Brat,” moving frequently both in the US and Europe with her parents and five siblings. She earned a BA from Florida State University. She has been an award-winning medical sales representative, political fundraiser, inventor and patent holder and tri-athlete. She's also the author of the novel Of Great Worth. Anne Ferrell lives in Virginia Beach with her husband Bob. They have 4 children. She currently works for KLOVE/Air1 Christian Radio Network. She is a host for TBN’s "Joy In Our Town" and a frequent content contributor for myCBN App.

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