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Get Connected to God

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But Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

As we move through our busy, hectic lives on a synchronized mission of daily events plotted out in bold headlines on our calendars and "to do" lists, we realize the importance we have placed on functioning technology to pull us along and keep us gripped to our everyday schedules, while allowing us to efficiently manipulate and accomplish many tasks in our daily lives.

Our cell phones and computers require charging and plugging into a power source. We need cell towers, data plans, Internet providers, power surge protectors, fire walls, and secure passwords - and that's just to be able to be linked to everyone and everything immediately. It's all for the purpose of making the busy even busier by allowing us to cram more into our 86,400 seconds we have in a day.

Have you ever thought about how much trust and reliance we place in these devices to run our lives?

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

This Bible verse arrests me in my thinking and gives me great reason to rethink everything.

What if we stay plugged in and connected to our Creator with the same unmatched enthusiasm? What if we were to give God the same dedication, reliance and trust that we give to our small plugged in know-it-alls?

Would we not have the most amazing life if we started our days supercharged in the Lord and completely connected to the ultimate of all power sources? The connection that is always reliable, the one that is never subject to error, the one that can't break down or become obsolete. The one source that can never be hacked, breeched, or compromised! The highly functional, trustworthy, super intelligent, miraculous, omniscient kind of connection that can conclusively never fail!

God is the power source and by us being the branches stemming from the vine we are plugging into God and simultaneously we become fully functional as a result. We, as humans and Children of God, require the recharging that we get from being connected to our very own Creator in the same way we must plug in a lamp in order for it to give off light.

Without it's power source, what good is a lamp? It is just a useless piece of metal, glass, and wire incapable of functioning in the purpose for which it was created.

Likewise, what good are we? What purpose are we serving if we aren't plugged in to our power source every day? We need to be connected to the Lord to work properly and in the direction of our divine purpose through Him. We also need to be a light! Without our source, we too will be a broken lamp in the darkness.

God wants a "yes" from each of us.

Sometimes the greatest battle is not fought against outside opposition but rather in our own choice to yield our will to God's word. We must start our days filled with the word of God, seeking God and his righteousness first and before anything else. Then we will be anointed and equipped to handle all things through Him. He is unfailing.

Stay fully connected to the divine love and wisdom of our Heavenly Father, by wholeheartedly trusting in Him. By praying, reading The Word, and following His deep and divine purpose for our lives, we will stay rooted in Him. Worship Him and surrender our days to Jesus Christ. Without Him we can do nothing, we are nothing. Like a branch pruned from the vine, it will surely die.

Stay connected to God and LIVE!

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me –

Copyright © 2014 by Nina Keegan. Used by permission.

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About The Author


Nina Keegan is a mother of two wonderful young men. She is a writer, blogger, and owns an interior design business in Houston, Texas. To read more from the writer go to Credits: Author, 100 Days with God (God Cake, 2020) Co-host of Grace Grace with Nina and Michelle on Overcomers TV, Faith TV, and soon, God TV, as well as stations in the UK, Africa, and Asia The ministry supports orphanage projects around the world Writes devotionals on Facebook and a blog called God Cake Public Speaker Married to Richard, mother of two grown sons

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