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God in the Everyday

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Is healing for today? Does God really want to use his people to minister healing to others? Can anyone be healed? Do I have to go to church to be prayed for so I can be healed?

These are all real questions asked by hurting people on a regular basis. I have a story I would like to share. You be the judge.

I was in the car with my teenage daughter getting ready to go to the store. I pulled partially out of the driveway and then noticed my neighbor across the street. She was in her driveway taking the groceries out of her car. I stopped the car and went across the street to speak to her for a moment. I did not have any idea what God was getting ready to do through me. I just wanted to ask her a question.

We talked for a moment or two and then as I turned to leave she told me she wanted me to remember her in prayer. (Now to my knowledge, she does not have a personal relationship with God.) However, she was hurting and wanted help. She shared with me that the doctor had diagnosed her with macular degeneration of the eyes. I thought to myself that this was one of those ugly diseases for which there was little or no cure.

My heart was filled with compassion for her. Without even thinking, I asked her if I could pray for her right now. Surprisingly to me, she said yes. I grabbed her hands while we were standing in the driveway and began to pray. I felt the power of God as I prayed and I knew God was doing something great! She stood there with tears in her eyes and thanked me for praying. We hugged and I left feeling really excited. My daughter watched the whole thing and wanted to know what had happened. I told her and asked her to also help me pray for this precious neighbor.

A few days later, my daughter came into the house and said she had been talking to our neighbor. The neighbor told my daughter she would have to learn to see through what looked like a black spot in the middle of her eye forever. Her eye had healed some but this was the best it would get. My daughter told her that the doctor's report is not necessarily true. She told her the spot in her eye can be healed and that God could do it. The neighbor didn't seem to believe what she was hearing. She only knew she had an eye disease that was making seeing a challenge.

It wasn't long, only a few short weeks, and my neighbor was calling out to me while standing in her yard. She said to tell the prayer group who had been praying for her that it worked. I was ecstatic! The only prayer group was my daughter and myself. God had used a short prayer in a driveway to change someone's life forever. She was healed!

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come ( New Living Translation).

I told her in the prayer for her that God would get all the glory. This is why I am writing this article. It is all HIS. Praise the Lord! I am so thankful I took the time to pray. I am glad my daughter has learned that the report we listen to is not the doctor's report but the report of the Lord.

If God speaks to you in your "Everyday" living, go for it. He is the "God in the Everyday." He wants to use whoever is willing to step out. The results will amaze you.

Copyright © Martha Noebel. Used by permission.

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About The Author


Martha Noebel is a freelance writer and contributor to

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