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Is Jesus Your Genie?

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Most of you know the folklore of a Genie in a bottle. You rub the bottle and then you have three wishes. (Of course, the first wish I would like is to have a thousand more wishes.) A lot of you right now may be thinking that this is horrible to write about Jesus in this way. But in reality, many of us want Jesus to be OUR Genie. Many times our prayers are for something to happen right now! And if our prayers are not answered right away we either get mad or lose hope and faith.

Most of the time, God allows prayers to take time so we get to know God. We seek when we don’t have an answer. We keep asking. We keep praying. We keep wondering; and through days, months, or even years a relationship is built. If your answer was immediate, there would not be a need for a relationship.

“My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding — indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.” ( NIV)

This is a relationship. Hidden treasure is not found overnight. But any treasure hunter will tell you that it is as much fun trying to find the treasure as it is uncovering it. Not for us though. Most of us will not be happy until we finally see the new job, extra money in the bank, a new________ or_________. Why can’t we enjoy the journey? Why can’t we enjoy the presence and a relationship with God when things are rough or when we are in the middle of a desert? The answer is because we want God to be a Genie and to get us out of the mess right away.

If you look back at all your close relationships, chances are those relationships were bonded when you had to go through tough times together. God has the same and perfect plan for you right now. Don’t become bitter when things are tough, when you have been diagnosed with a terrible disease, when you lose a job, or lose what is very precious to you. If God were to give you everything you asked for then He would be your slave, not your God.

Jesus was God in the flesh who left the glorious realms of heaven to come and feel sin even though he did not sin. Then God turned His back on Jesus, as God cannot look at sin, when Jesus was on the cross. That is love, that is a relationship, and that is redemption. Today you may want pain and suffering to go away right now. While it is OK to keep praying for that, please use this as a time to get to know the ONLY one in the world who loves YOU unconditionally.

Jesus is out to get you - but not in the way you think. At times we think God has been so mad at us that we can’t be forgiven. But the opposite is true. Jesus loves us enough to get us because He loves us! Don't believe the lies of the devil. Jesus loves us too much to fill the role of a genie. Look to God; give Him your praise no matter what storm you are going through. Then that relationship which passes all understanding will flourish. Then and only then will peace flood your soul.

Copyright © 2011 Brad Henry. Used by permission.

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About The Author


Brad Henry is a Christian author, pastor, and speaker. He has written six books. Brad will say that those books have to be from God because Brad flunked English and was told he would never amount to anything. But God has other plans when the world tears you down, God lifts you up. You can read more about Brad’s ministry at All his books are available on Amazon. Miracle on The Appalachian Trail, Failing Doesn’t Mean You’re A Failure, Destination the Winners Circle, and Whoever Gets To Heaven First Wins are a few of the titles. You can reach Brad at brad

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