Keep Going!
This past Sunday, my parents, grandparents, and I were on the road home from a family reunion. During our four-hour trip we encountered the worst thunderstorm I’ve driven through in a long time.
The rain was so intense we could only see a few feet in front of us. Other drivers were slowing down, putting on their flashers, and some were even stopping on the side of the road. Along with the heavy rain, the wind was also whipping against everyone’s vehicle.
The experience was a little chaotic; however, I gained total peace from seeing how my dad, who was driving, reacted to the situation. There he was with his eyes fixed on the road while we were all frantically yelling stuff at him like, "Pull over, Slow down, Watch out!"
Despite all the commotion, he kept on driving right through the storm. According to his thinking, he wasn’t going to stop and risk having a bad accident or getting stuck because of a few fearful passengers.
When we are going through a storm, it’s easy to want to quit. There is no reason to keep going when all the signs show the road ahead to be too dangerous. Or is there?
Some people stop at the first site of adversity because they don’t think they have what it takes to survive the storm. When in all actuality God has infused us with every bit of strength we need.
According to
,“We don't have the right to claim that we have done anything on our own. God gives us what it takes to do all that we do.” (CEV)
Even if you find yourself in a difficult situation like my dad and everyone is yelling at you to stop, don’t listen to them; listen to what the Lord is saying. He alone is the one who can help us refocus our attention, calm our anxiety, and steady our course.
The beginning verse in Psalm 91 describes what happens for those of us who dwell in God’s secret place:
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].” (Psalm 91:1, AMPC)
Two words that really stick out to me in this verse are stable and fixed. Yes, it is possible to move forward in a storm and stand firm on the inside at the same time. Why? Because wherever we are in this world we’re covered under the shadow of Almighty God. His shadow follows Him constantly just as our shadow follows us. We could go to the ends of the earth and still not escape the shadow that follows.
David knew exactly where he was supposed to be in times of trouble. Crouching down in fear is not the proper place for men or women of God.
We have to have the same boldness and resolve to pray as David did in
,“Be merciful and gracious to me, O God, be merciful and gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in You; yes, in the shadow of Your wings will I take refuge and be confident until calamities and destructive storms are passed.” (AMPC)
Another key factor for surviving life’s storms is staying in close company with some godly leaders. True godly leaders are visionaries and they can see beyond the struggles we face. As John C. Maxwell writes,
“Leaders see life as it could be. They are always seeing a little farther, a little more, than those around them.”
If it were not for leaders like this in my life, I would have stopped many times short of God’s desired best for me.
So, it is a guarantee that storms will come and they will pass. But it is what we do in the middle of them that makes us victorious. And if fear tries to take over, we can just look unto our Heavenly Father and we will gain the peace we need to go through any storm.
Copyright © Byron Bohnert. Used by permission.