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Made for Service

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It is always a pleasant surprise when somebody prepares a meal for you, treats you to a cup of coffee, or offers to hold the door open. Even the smallest acts of service have a significant impact and can bring more happiness than we realize. That is because we all appreciate feeling valued and considered.

Having a servant’s heart is a key principle of our faith, yet it seems to be one of the more challenging actions to implement. As a result of the fall, we have become naturally selfish beings, always looking out for ourselves, but that doesn’t mean we have to live that way.

Jesus is our great example of how to live a life on Earth that honors and glorifies God. He was the great suffering servant filled with the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 52:13-15). We know that Jesus came to this Earth not to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45). He, even though being God, humbled Himself and took on human form, sacrificing everything for the sake of the world (Philippians 2:5-8). Even though we know that laying down our lives for each other is the greatest act of love (John 15:13), serving does not always have to be this huge.

In the Scripture passages of Philippians 2:1-8, Paul is in prison and reminding the church in Philippi of how they are to live differently. He reminds them of our greatest example of a servant, Jesus, telling them to be like Him. Think of others before yourself, do not work for others out of obligation or chore, but choose to honor and love each other: count others more significant than yourselves (Philippians 2:3 ESV). This is not a new principle, as God said that we should love others as ourselves (Matthew 22:39).

Imagine the world we would live in if everyone truly grasped this concept. Certainly, this is highly unlikely until we reach heaven, but imagine the impact it would have on our ministry if we adopted this culture and aimed to think of and serve others before ourselves. Think of ways to put others first. Remember, we do not work in our own strength but have the Holy Spirit to guide and support us as we walk out our journeys here on Earth.

Let us pray together: Thank You, God, that we are not alone on this journey. Thank You that You are with us always—and You teach us how to live each new day with a servant’s heart. Amen.


Scripture is quoted from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®) copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

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About The Author

Esther Griffin

Esther's a young wife and mother who's been working for CBN Europe since 2023. She's an administrative assistant and previously served on our Hope Line team. She was raised in a Christian home and has been following Jesus for as long as she can remember. Esther has a passion for Jesus as well as Performing Arts, and it is her dream to one day be able to combine these two passions and open her own Drama Studio.

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