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Pockets of Joy

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While I dressed my youngest in his overalls, I remembered the many hours I used to spend wearing my own pair of overalls. I loved filling up all of the pockets with treasures of the day. Ladybugs, roly-polies, and rocks were just a few of the precious items I packed away in all of the secret compartments. The zippered pockets were always my favorite because I didn’t have to worry about losing any of my bugs or rocks. Oh, how I enjoyed storing up all of those little treasures.

As I think about storing those sacred trinkets in my pockets, I can’t help but think about the special treasures I have been storing up for myself lately. Every time someone says they are praying for us, I tuck it away in one of my pockets. When I get to spend time with special friends, I store it away in another pocket. Encouraging words get stashed to pull out on a later day. Laughs and giggles from my boys get pushed in close. But then there are those special moments where I feel like God sends just the right person, just the right song, or just the right scripture and those are the treasures that get zipped up so they won’t fall out. Those are the moments that get me through the hard times.

“My soul, bless the Lord, and do not forget all his benefits.” CSB

Sometimes life can be all-consuming and it feels like it won’t let up any time soon. Sometimes the valleys outnumber the hills and the springs of refreshment seem to never appear. But that’s where these pockets of joy come in. When something makes you smile, tuck it away and when things get tough, pull it back out. When someone brings joy into your life, enjoy the moment fully, slip it away in another pocket and remind yourself of that instance when the world looks bleak. When you are blessed, loved, and valued, zip it up in that special pocket where it can’t fall out; you might just need the reminder very soon.

“Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ.” CSB

Even in hardship, there are pockets of joy. Sometimes I think those special pockets are the reminders that actually get us through to the other side. I’m thankful for a God who loves us enough to send us those blessings at just the right time. Pay attention to the wonders around you. Take time to find joy in your world. Let the smile linger when it chooses to appear. Then start storing up those special treasures in your overalls. You might just find that those pockets of joy, sent straight from the Father, are what get you through the day.

Copyright © 2020 Christy Bass Adams, used with permission.

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About The Author

Christy Bass

Christy Bass Adams is married and has two sons. She serves as the Outreach and Connections Coordinator at Fellowship Baptist Church in Madison, Florida and writes a weekly inspirational column in Greene Publishing entitled, Learning As I Go. When she isn’t reading or writing, you can find her tinkering in the woodshop, wetting a line in the river, or sitting by the fire. For more inspiration from Christy, visit her blog at

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