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Pray in Faith, Trusting God's Promises

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When we look at the world through eyes of faith, we see things differently. As says,

The righteous shall live by faith (ESV).

We don’t earn our way to heaven; we simply believe God—even when that faith is tested.

Abraham’s faith was tested at the moment of the promise. God told him,

“Count the stars …So shall your descendants be” ( ).

Despite having no heir, how did Abraham respond?

And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness” (v. 6).

Abraham’s faith was rewarded with the birth of his son Isaac. And the same faith Abraham had as he looked at the stars and believed God was also conveyed to his servant Eliezer.

In all likelihood, Eliezer was an idol worshipper purchased by Abraham in Damascus on the way to the Promised Land. Yet there was something special about him. Not only did he become the chief steward over Abraham’s entire household; he was also entrusted with finding a wife for his master’s son—a nearly impossible task.

He was sent to a land he didn’t know, to a people he hadn’t met, with the sacred trust of finding a bride for Isaac, who couldn’t go. Yet Eliezer must have known he could completely trust God because Abraham’s life showed that God would not fail.

The servant obediently made the long journey. He arrived with the camels, the jewelry, and the dowry money—but he didn’t know who it was for. So he prayed,

“O Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham” ( )

Notice how he specifically asked for success on behalf of his master. When we pray, we ask for success—but for whose sake? If it’s for “me, myself and I,” that’s the wrong trinity.

In his prayer, Eliezer had an amazing revelation. He prayed that the girl who offered to water his camels would be the one he was seeking. Indeed, the young woman who watered his camels was Abraham’s relative Rebekah. Eliezer believed God, and the answer was revealed.

So when you pray, do you have confidence that God will answer? Are you fully persuaded? Do you believe Him? That belief will be credited to you as righteousness.

The Lord has tasked all of us with evangelizing the world. When we believe God, we take Him at His word and say, “He is able.” We pray for success—not for our own sake, but for the sake of those who have never heard the Gospel. And when we impart faith to others, they are empowered to step out in faith and trust Him for the journey ahead. God bless you!


Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New King James Version, copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson except as noted. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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About The Author


GORDON ROBERTSON is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Christian Broadcasting Network, as well as a member of CBN’s Board of Directors. He is also President of Operation Blessing, CBN’s humanitarian organization; and Chancellor of Regent University. The son of Pat and Dede Robertson, Gordon graduated from Yale University in 1980 and earned his Juris Doctor degree from Washington and Lee University in 1984. He then practiced law in Norfolk, Virginia, for 10 years. In 1994, Gordon had a profound encounter with the Lord and moved to the Philippines, where he established CBN Asia. The

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