How Is Your Spiritual Eyesight?
Are we trapped in our limited ability to only see our circumstances in the natural? Is the impossible staring us down in a contest of wills? Are we physically incapable of seeing the bigger picture?
Do we focus on our problems and our own lack of abilities to overcome them, or do we focus on how big, how enormous God is and his ability to overcome anything?
What do we see with the eyes of our heart? We must open our eyes to all things Jesus. We must open our eyes to our spiritual life.
, when Elisha was staring down the face of a huge army, many troops surrounding him, he prayed! He turned to God first. Elisha's servant was very afraid of what he saw and tried to warn Elisha. He cried out to him in panic, "Oh sir, what will we do?"How many times have we gasped that very question?
Elisha prayed!
Not worried in the least, he prayed for his servant’s eyes to be opened. He was referring to his servant’s "spiritual eyes" so that he could see that the supernatural army, God’s army, the one he couldn't see with his physical eyes, was so much bigger than any army of enemy men.
After Elisha prayed his prayer, the servant looked out and saw (this time) a vast army of chariots and horses of fire that vastly outnumbered that of the enemy's army. What would we see if we opened our eyes and glimpsed into the spiritual realm?
"Don't be afraid!" Elisha told him. "For there are more on our side than on theirs!" Then Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!" The LORD opened the young man's eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.(NLT)
God's magnificent supernatural army was there to rescue them, to fight for them - even though no one could physically see them. That's how God works. He is always fighting for us. He's always there in our times of trouble. He's always prepared and ready for battle! He's always closer than our breath.
The Bible says God will fight our battles for us without us even lifting a finger in our own defense. We simply must trust God. Our faith is always in what we cannot see.
Through our faith, we can realize that God is doing so much more for all of us, for his people, than we could ever imagine or see through our physical eyesight alone. We all face difficulties that seem insurmountable. We often wonder how we will even get through the day.
But God's heavenly spiritual resources, his endless supply of mercy, his enabling grace, and his unlimited supply of warring angels are always there for us. Even if we can't physically see them, THEY ARE THERE!
We must continually search for God and look at things through our eyes of faith. Trust God and all of Heaven to show up ready and armed with all of his supernatural resources.
If we cannot see God working in our lives, the problem may be our spiritual eyesight, not God's power or His willingness to rescue us.
Elisha prayed again. This time not for spiritual eyes to be opened, but for physical eyes to be closed. He asked God to blind his enemies.
Elisha did not even have to fight the troops that day, he was able to lead them instead "blindly" away from his camp and deliver them into the hands of their enemy.
This story of two kinds of sight is quite a juxtaposition of our faith. Are we being lead blindly (can't see the truth) into the hands of our enemy through our own self-doubt, our own lack of faith, our own frustration and reluctance to pray?
Will we open our spiritual eyes, open the eyes of our heart, and let faith see the victory for us? Let faith see the chariots of fire, fighting for us at the very utterance of a prayer. Let Jesus marvel at our faith today and let him fight our battles with our eyes wide open, both physically and spiritually.
Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.(NLT)
Copyright 2016 Nina Keegan. Used by permission.